Chapter XX

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"Harry?" Niall questions as he steps foot into their living room, seeing the curly-haired lad, passed out on the couch. It was almost eight o'clock and Harry has to be off to an appointment in less than thirty minutes.

The blond, slowly wondered over towards the large piece of furniture and gazed around, seeing that Harry had left a huge mess of empty water bottles, plates, papers, all his laptop, all set on top of the coffee table. And, in his lap his prescribed bottle of sleeping pills.

Niall, quietly hummed to himself, reaching his hands over to wake up the sleeping man,"Harry." He begins to shake him lightly.

Harry doesn't budge.

The Irish man, already gets frustrated and shakes his friend a bit harder than before,"Haz, wake up." Niall pleaded, and after a few seconds the lad is finally awake, staring at his surroundings in confusion.

"Niall? W-What are you doing?" Harry mumbles, rubbing his eyes roughly.

"Get up, bro. You've got less that a half hour to wash up and get dressed." Niall informs him.

Harry sluggishly sits up, looking at the clock on the wall,"No...not again..." He sighs in distress,"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"I don't know? Why the fuck are you sleeping on this hard ass couch?" Niall questions back, buttoning up his shirt.

"Couldn't sleep last night, so I came in here to take a pill, then crashed out on the couch when I was searching up a few things,"Harry groans a little as he stands to his feet.

Niall nods,"Oh...well, what was it this time? Wait, wait, let me guess. Was it Louis again? Is he trying to hurt you? No, hold on, it was, Zayn! Wasn't it?"

Harry groggily walks over into the kitchen to throw away his trash,"No, was neither of them this time. I had a dream about, Luke."

"Luke? Are you serious?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, I wasn't exactly a nightmare, but it wasn't just an ordinary dream either. It was really weird. It felt so realistic, though."

Niall furrows his eyebrows,"Really? Tell me about what happened." The blond is in no rush to hear about Harry's story.

Harry shakes his head, refusing to tell his eager friend,"Sorry, Niall. I've got to get ready for work." He added, turning down the short hallway, informing the man,"I'll tell you later."

The wavy-haired man, quickly goes into his room, closing it behind him. After that, he flops down on his bed, staring at the black-velvet box, sitting on his dresser.

Harry had lied about his dream last night to, Niall. He did it, because he didn't want Niall to freak out. Harry's strange dream last night didn't only involve his on and off boyfriend, but it involved his ex, including a new incomer, Zayn. They were all together in one night, but it felt like they were fighting over something, but Harry didn't know exactly what it was. But, it was as if he was in a battle against three, and it was like they were all breaking loose in a war that only he could stop. And, him only.


"Dr Bell is handling a situation down the hall for a moment, but she will be assisting you soon." A blonde women, informs Harry.

"Okay." Harry sits down in his normal spot in her office, and the women steps out, shutting the door behind her.

The green eyed lad, leans back in the chair, staring at the old photos of Dr Bell when she was younger, and a few degrees and awards on her walls. Dr Bell is always on time, so Harry was a bit shocked when he showed up fifteen minutes late, but ended up waiting for  thirty minutes over his scheduled appointment.

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