Chapter XVIII

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Niall sat in his normal stool near the bar, eating his breakfast. He was thinking about what could have happened if Harry had actually considered marrying, Louis. That was something that the Irish lad thinks about almost everyday, even though it wasn't a situation that involved him. But, Harry was more than just his best friend. He was like his younger brother, who need to be watched very carefully every now and then. Which explains Niall reason for being so protective.

At first, no one really could ever understand why Harry hated being engaged to the Doncaster man, but over time, Louis started to show his true colors. And, it wasn't pretty.

Louis seemed like a pretty cool guy when the boys first met him, and they loved the way he treated Harry as he meant the world to him, but that was the problem. He treated Harry like a baby, and the boy himself, didn't admire that. He hated it. A lot.

But, to find out a year later, Louis wasn't just pretending to protect, Harry, he was manipulating him.

Niall was the first to find out everything about, Louis, but unfortunately...he was too late when he did.

It was about ten months ago when it happened. The day Harry told him about his relationship with, Louis, but it all happened way too fast, for anyone to help him.


Niall had expected to walk himself into an empty flat as always, but surprisingly, he entered the small dorm, seeing Harry packing most of his belongings and clothes into his bags. Niall hasn't seen his wavy-haired friend since earlier this morning, so this was definitely shocking to him.

"Harry?" Niall closed the door behind him, walking over to, Harry,"Why are you packing your bags?"

Harry had his back turned away from the blond lad, so Niall obviously couldn't see Harry crying,"Because, I have to. I can't stay here."

"What do you mean, you can't stay here?" Niall is confused.

Harry finally turns around,"I-I have
to leave. It's best for everyone." He cries.

Niall frowns, watching his friend cry,"Harry..." Niall tries to comfort, Harry, but he just flinches, pushing Niall away,"Harry, what the hell is wrong with you!?"

Harry, angrily throws his clothes into his bag,"Louis. That's what's wrong with me. I can't be with him. I don't want to marry him!" He yells.

"Why did you accept the ring, knowing that you didn't want to?"

"Because, he's forced me to. He's obsessed with me, Niall. I can't do anything anymore. He won't let me go to class, he wants me to go with him wherever he's goes, I can't hangout with you or Liam anymore-I just want him out of my life, but he makes everything so much harder for me!"

Niall, grabs Harry's arm as he begins to snatch his bags off of his bed,"Haz, you don't have to leave because of, Louis. Just break up with him." He tells him.

Harry disagrees,"It's not that simple, Niall." He wipes his eyes, shaking his head.

"Yes, it is that simple, Haz. I mean, you can't just let him force you into marriage." Niall convinces him.

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