2 Idiot

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Be Sollux Captor==>

You should have listened..
You should have listened but you're a damn fucking fool!!!

You're stuck in a store, surrounded by the creeps. You lost your ninja stars. You had threw them at one of the creeps and it got stuck in their eyeball. To top that off, your psionics aren't working.
You're an idiot for using them to fly around town! You should have saved your energy!!! Now you have to wait a while before you can use them again..

If you can use them again..

You're surprised by how fast this town has gone to shit. This thing barely started a day ago and almost everyone is already fucking dead where you are.

You don't even know where you are anymore..

You had found a bat and started whacking the heads off of these creeps, but the keep coming. More and more pile into the store where you were trying to get food.

This is the end for you Captor.. Nice going...

You couldn't find AA.
You can't see KK ever again..
You'll never be able to see any of your friends ever again..
This is it..

You're about to drop your bat and face defeat, but you hear something that sounds familiar.

"Hey!!! Undead freaks!!!" A voice tells, and you hear a chainsaw start up.

The crowd surrounding you turns to eat whoever said that.
You grip your bat tightly and start hitting the remainder of the ones still coming after you.

You're about to hit the last one, when you see a chainsaw slice it in half.
The body falls and you look up to see a troll. One you have never met before..

The only ones you know are Karkat, Kanaya, Tavros, Vriska, Gamzee and Aradia..

You've never met this one before, but he looks familiar..
You can't put your finger on it.

"Hey asshole.." He speaks up, catching his breath from slicing. The sleeves of his shirt were ripped off and his hair was messy. A lone violet streak was on his hair. A sea dweller. "WWhat're you doin' alone out here?"

"I could bee athking you the thame quethtion.. Why'd you help me?"

"Because you wwould havve been ripped to shreds by the undead if I,
Your prince, didn't come to savve you."

You laugh. "Prince? You? That'th funny.. But, thank you.. Now if you'll excuthe me, I have to find my friendth.." You walk past him but he follows you.

"Wwhere are you headin exactly?"

"My friendth place.. I need to find her."

"Is she your gillfrond or somefin?" He questioned.

"Not anymore.. The'th jutht clothe to me.. I think we're moirail'th? I don't know.. Why are you following me?"

"WWhale, I'vve been on my owwn and I need help gettin Somewwhere.. You sea, my frond wworks for the CDC.. She contacted me sayin that there might be a wway to stop this wwhole thin' but she needs help. All her co-wworkers died.."

"Well that'th rough.. And I'd like to help you and your friend fix thith methth, but I have my own problemth." You begin to walk away.

He grabs your shoulder and turns you around. "Hey! I just savved your ass back there!"

"No you didn't. Your chainthaw did."

"WWhale.. It's  actually mu friends, Kanaya. I nevver returned it.."

"Well I don't- Did you thay Kanaya?"

"Yeah, she evven taught me howw to use it! In turn, I gavve her a gun!"

"Oh.. Tho that'th where that gun came from.." You mumble to yourself. "Tho, you know Kanaya.. What about a troll named Karkat?"

"Kar? Oh yeah! Is he okay?! Havve you heard from him??"
Holy shit, he knows your friends..

"He'th fine.. Uh.. I'm Thollux.. Thollux Captor.."
"Eridan Ampora.."

You think for a moment and sigh.
"Okay.. I guethth I'll help you along the way.. I'm heading in the thame direction anywayth.. But I can't go with you all the way.."

"That's totally fine! I just need help and protection! I can't make it on my owwn, and this chainsaww a bound to run outa powwer soon.." He groaned.

"Okay, enough chatting and let'th go Ampora."

Be Aradia Megido==>

"Okay.. Try now." Feferi instructed. 
You pressed the button and watched to see if it would work.

The machine crashed and all the data went missing.

"No no no no!!!" She groaned and tried to restore it, but the machine wouldn't turn on.
The laser also destroyed the samples.

"I'm sorry Feferi.. Maybe next time-"
"No! You don't understand!" She pushed her chair out of the way as she stood up. "That was the last of the sample.. We can't do this anymore! No other center is responding to my messages.. This is it.. It's the end.." She walked to a corner and sat on the floor, crying into her knees. "Now everyone's going to die and it's my fault since the samples for a cure are gone!"

You walk over and sit next to her, patting her shoulder. "Feferi.. It's not your fault.. You did something! Everyone else gave up! We both did our best, but this is just the way it has to be.."

"I'm such a glubbin idiot!!"

"No you're not."

". . . . . Glub . ." She sighed as her fins dropped a bit.  You kiss her cheek, hoping that'll make her stop moping.

"Feferi.. Get up.. We should go get rest.. We can't stay here anymore.. The food is almost out and it won't be long until the corpses come here... Tomorrow we should go out and try to find more supplies and such.. It'll be okay.."

She sighed and stood up.
"What am I going to tell Eridan?"

"I'm sure he'll find you somehow.. But we can't stay here.. We can't.."

"I know.." She walks over to her desk and picks up a picture of her and Eridan. She suddenly perks up. "Wait! Equius and Nepeta! Don't they live around here somewhere?!"

"Hmmm.." You think for a moment. "They could be here still.. We can go out and get to their place. I'm sure they'd let us in." You smile.

"And maybe Eridan might have ended up there!" She jumps up and down.

"Maybe!" You grin. "Come on, we'll get rest and head there first thing in the morning!"  You smile and take her hand, walking her out of the lab.

"Yeah, we'll only be able to stay here for another 24 hours before this place explodes." 

"Wait- What?????" 

You've heard so much about this Eridan for the time you've been with her. You wonder if the others are okay..
You hope they're still alive..

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