14: Spider-Bitch

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Be Vriska Serket==> 

You're awake bright and early. You listen to the others as your stuck in this stupid corner, staring at completely nothing, What's the purpose of putting a blindfold on you? You can still listen. What do they think you can do? Glare at someone to death???

It'd be cool if you could do that, but sadly, this is reality and not a fantasy. 

You're listening to the others whispering about what to do with you. You can barely make out some things they're saying. All you really know what they're saying is about taking you somewhere isolated. There are a few people who volunteer to take you. It's Roxy, that new chick Calliope, Feferi and Aradia. 

You pretend to be asleep when they walk over to you. They take you out of the chair and carry you outside. 

"Over here, I drove the car this way yesterday..." Calliope whispered. You hear a door open and you're pushed into a backseat of a car. You pretend to wake up. 

"Huh?? What the hell is going on?" You yell. 

"Sorry, we're getting rid of you." Roxy said, "Don't worry. We'll leave you somewhere safe, and we'll give you a knife to protect yourself from the Rotters and Runners." 

"This is bullshit!" You yell, "You're seriously going to leave me out here to fend for myself like a fucking animal?! You're all heartless!! You're not even going to give me food or water?!" 

"Don't worry, we have a bag here with that for you. we aren't going to leave you for dead. We're just leaving you, so shut up and be happy we're even thinking of your well-being after the shit you did." Aradia groaned. 

The car started and they began to drive you away. You tried to move your blindfold a little to actually keep track of wherever they were taking you. You couldn't do much, though. You didn't want to be caught. The drive was about thirty minutes, and you felt it come to a stop. The doors opened and someone grabbed you, pulling you out of the car. You and the person holding you walked and they made you stop. 

"I'm putting the knife here in a holster." Feferi put the knife and holster at your right side. It must have fit through your pant's belt loop. "Aradia, cut her ropes." 

You felt the ropes around your wrists snap free. You didn't reach for the knife yet. A hand reached your head and took off the blindfold. The sunlight blinded you for a second and you saw you were in the middle of an empty parking lot to an IKEA. 

Calliope stood in front of you, and the other's were walking back to the car. She held out the bag with water and food, "Here you go. I wish you safe travels." She smiled. 

"This is fucked up," You started to cry. "I-I can't believe this..." 

She set down the bag and hugged you, patting your back. "I'm so sorry, miss." 

"Me too."

"Huh?" You took the knife from your side and pushed it into her abdomen.  She gasped and fell to the floor. You were charging for the others. They turned when they heard Calliope cry for help. Roxy saw first and tried to pull out her gun, but your knife met her first. 

Feferi and Aradia pulled you off, but you elbowed Feferi, sending her to the ground. You swung your arm with the knife towards Aradia, but she stepped back. She saw Roxy's gun on the ground and tried to reach for it, but you jumped on top of her. You tried to push the knife down into her chest, but she pushed against you. All of a sudden, you were pushed off of Aradia by Feferi. 

"Stop it!!!" She yelled, pushing you against the ground. You growled and tightly grasped your knife. Throwing your arm back, you had pushed her off of you, and pushed the knife into her chest, sliding it down so her guts came out.  

You looked to the corner of your eye and saw Aradia grabbing the gun. You quickly grabbed the bag near Calliope's body and ran off. A bullet flew past you, but you were out of her sight. 

Be Aradia Megido==> 

"Damn it!!!" You missed her head. 

You panted and leaned back against the car, catching your breath and trying to hold your tears in. You grabbed Feferi's trident and went to stab their skulls. First Calliope, then Roxy. You stopped at Feferi. Tears streamed down her face as she looked up at you. 

You felt yourself begin to shake, "Feferi..." 

"I-I-I'll d-d-do it..." She shakily reached towards the gun that Calliope had at her side, "G-get it... P-Please.." 

You cried and took the gun from the lifeless body. You looked and saw it had just one bullet in it. You gave the gun to Feferi. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..." 

Feferi smiled, "I-It-It's okay... Ara-Aradia...It's not your f-fault. Do m-me a f-favor?" 

"Y-Yeah, of course, anything!" 

"I-If you e-ever see Eridan... Tell him, tell h-him I-I said sorry for w-what I did, a-and for leaving him behind when w-we left the C-CDC. I-I should've t-told him w-where w-we were going..." 

"H-He'll understand..." You picked her up gently, holding her in your lap, "I'll tell him, I promise..." You kiss her forehead. 

"G-Go back t-to the others... And take the w-weapons so Vriska w-won't come back to t-take them..."


She reached for your hand and squeezed it, "Survive..." She let go. 

You stood up and quickly gathered the weapons. You put them in the car and got into the driver's seat. As you put the keys in the ignition, you heard the gunshot. Looking from the side view mirror, you saw the gun laying in her hand and blood splattered from her head. 

"I-I'm sorry..." You whispered and drove off, crying all the way back to the others. 

When you got back, you parked the car and knocked on the door. It opened and you saw Kanaya. She noticed the blood on you and how much you were shaking and crying. 

"What happened??"

You broke into sobs and hugged her tightly, telling her and the others what the Spider-Bitch did. 

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