7 Little Fellow

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Be John Egbert==>

"I think this is the place..." You say, opening the door carefully. You walk in, your hands holding your hammer as you inspect the abandoned building.

"Yeah.. This is the place.." Dave sets Jade down against the wall. He pulls out his sword, inspecting with you.

"It's empty.." Putting your hammer away, you turn to Dave and smile. "It's safe!"

"Now hopefully everyone else gets here.." He walked over to Jade, who seems to be finally waking up.
"Well hello Sleeping Beauty." Dave smirks.

You walk towards them and watch her wake up. Jades eyes blink and she sees the two of you. "Dave?? John??" She smiles and hugs the two of you.

You all smile and laugh.
"Jade, what the hell happened to you?! We were walking and then we found you on the floor!"

"Oh.. I don't remember much.." She rubs her head. "But I remember seeing your dad.. I called out for him, but I suddenly fell. There was a crowd of people running. They all just.. Left me.. I guess your dad couldn't hear me, it was pretty loud.."

"He's alive?! Was he with my bro??" Dave asked.

Jade thought hard but shook her head, "I can't recall.. I'm sorry.."

Dave sighed, "It's okay.. At least we're all safe-" Dave gets interrupted by a growl.

You and him quickly jump up, getting your weapons out.
"Whoa, guys calm down! It was just my stomach!" She tells you two.

"Oh." You both put the weapons away and sit down.
Reaching over into a backpack, you pull out some cake, apples, and bread. "This is pretty much all we had at my place. My dad was suppose to bring back pizza with Daves bro.. And go to the market.."

"Well I don't mind cake at all!" She takes it from you and unwraps it from the plastic wrapping it was in. She eats it all quickly.
Dave takes an apple and so do you. You all sit together eating, and just being happy that you were together again..

Be Karkat Vantas==>

"Kanaya, where the hell are we?" You ask. It was still dark, and she was still glowing. You all had been wondering through the streets.

"I am positive we are close to where Tavros, Vriska, and Gamzee are.." She turns a corner and points to a house. "There it is!" She runs up to it, making you all follow.
She knocks on the door, but there's no answer. "Odd.."

She twists the doorknob and the door opens.
"Oh hello no.." You walk into the house, past her.

Yup.. They're gone..


"Karkat, calm down.." Kanaya placed a hand on your shoulder. "There's a note taped to the television.." She points.

You stomp over and grab the note, reading it.

Uh hey guys..
So.. If you're reading this.. It means we left..
Um, Vriska wanted to leave and really didn't give me or Gamzee a choice..
I'll tell her about where we are suppose to meet, and maybe gather up stuff along the way??
Uh.. Sorry, for like.. Not stopping her.. She scares me more than zombies kinda.. We'll see you soon though! }:D

(P.S. Gamzee says hi.
:0) hOnK! )

"Well.. At least we know where they're heading now.." You crumple up the paper and turn to everybody. "Alright. We'll hold up here for the night; and in the morning, we'll head out to meet them. Agreed?"

They all nod, and Jake closes the door.

The girls all gather up blankets and pillows from the bedrooms, setting them on the floor.
All of a sudden, there was a loud crash from the hallway.

"What was that?" Roxy hid behind Jane.

"I don't know.." Jake mumbled.

"Stay here. I'll check it out.." You pull  out your sickles before walking down the hallway.

All the doors were closed except for the bathroom door.  You slowly push it open and look inside. There's nothing but some glass on the floor. You hear a tiny shift is heard from the shower curtains.
You quickly push them aside, only to see a little exile sitting in the tub with a can. He looked up at you, scared when he sees the weapons you hold.
You quickly put them away.

"Hey hey.. It's okay.. I won't hurt you.. Wow, how the hell did an exile end up on Earth? I thought only trolls were transferred here.. What's your name?"

He doesn't speak. He only points at the sash around him. It says MAYO with an out of place red R at the end.


He nods.

"Well Mayor, I'm Karkat.. Did you follow my group or something?"

He nods again and holds his arms up.
You smile and pick him up, carrying him out to your group of friends. "Hey guys. Everything's okay. This little guy just made a noise."

"Oh my.." Kanaya walks over to you, examining The Mayor. "An exile on earth? How?"

"No clue.." You shrug. Mayor seems to be sleepy, because he falls asleep in your arms. You smile. "I think he's been following us for a while.."

"Um.. What?" Jane asks. "He's been following us??"

You nod. "He said- well.. He didn't say, but he wants to be called Mayor. I'm positive that's not his real name.. And I'm sure he can talk, but he doesn't want to I guess?"  You place him down on the couch for him to sleep.

"He's a cute lil' fellow." Jake smiles. "Kind of like a cute puppy!"

Roxy can't help but stare at him in awe. "Wow.. Cute lil fucker you found!" She poked him, but the Mayor didn't stir.

"Alright everyone, quit it. We should really get some sleep now. I'm tired, and I know everyone else is too. This place is pretty secure, so no one has to take watch. Let's just sleep." Everyone nods in agreement to your idea and gets comfortable on the floor. You lay down besides Kanaya.

She looks at you as you turn away, "Karkat, are you alright..?"

"Yeah. Super.." You snuggle into a nice fur blanket.

"Is it the thought of not seeing Dave and John again? I can assure you that they'll be just fine.. Everyone will be.. You have nothing to worry about.."

".......I just want to sleep.." You half lie.
She pats your shoulder, "Alright.. Goodnight Karkat." She also leans over to kiss your forehead before fully laying down herself.

After an hour, you finally hear everyone's snoring. Sleeping, oh how much you want to sleep but your damn think pan will not let you.
Sitting up, you look around. Everyone is fast asleep. You sigh but then feel a little pat. The Mayor is looking at you, tilting his head.

"Oh.. Hey.. Uh, can't sleep either huh?"

He gets off the couch and crawls onto your lap. He falls right back to sleep again, his head resting against your chest.
You smile and pat his head softly, falling back to your pillow. You hold him there and finally fall asleep.

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