22: Secret

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Be Jake==> 

"I only heard one shot," Rose mumbled.
"Maybe they just both shot at the same time? You suggested. 

"No," Eridan took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes, "WWe'd still be able to hear that it's twwo shots. If they did shoot at the same time, I'm positivve there'd be a twwo-second delay or something for one of them." 
"Maybe one of them couldn't do it after all..." John said, "Should we open the door and check?" 

"Is that really a good idea?" Karkat sighed, "What if one turned already? It could be extremely dangerous if it was Kanaya who turned, considering that all of the troll's who've turned had been Runners." 

You walk up to the door and knock. You call out to Dirk. You know he's still alive, "Is everything alright? Did a gun jam or something?" 
No answer. 
You're positive you didn't give him a gun with bullets. Did he already die? 

"Let'th open the door," Sollux walked towards you, "If they're already gone, we thould bury them. Dave'th been digging for a while-" 

"No-" You grab the knob, "I-I'll check first... I don't want anybody getting hurt." 

"Jake, don't be stupid-" John said, but I already opened the door and locked myself inside. 

You slowly turned around and pressed yourself against the door in a panic when you saw Kanaya. 

"J-Jake!!" John knocked on the door from the outside, "Are you okay?? What happened??" |

"Uh...Kanaya's dead... But..." You didn't see Dirk, "I don't see Dirk. He must have gone to a corner somewhere. I'll find him." 
"Don't go by yourself!" Karkat shouted, "Are you crazy?! If he's turned, you're gonna be in danger!!!" 

"Willing to take that risk. Don't worry. I have a gun." You felt your gun at your side and walked away from the door. You saw a trail of red blood next to Kanaya's body. It looked like Dirk had been crawling away. You followed it, seeing the blood trails get bigger. You turned past one of the shelves and gasped. 
Dirk was sitting against a wall in a corner. The note you left was in his lap. He had chained himself by the neck to a metal loop that was bolted to the wall. He looked like he was sleeping. You quickly kneeled down in front of him and checked his pulse. 

............That's a slow pulse.... 

You started to shake him, "Dirk?? Dirk, wake up!" You looked around and spotted the key to the chain. You grabbed it and stuffed it into your pocket. You continued to shake him until his eyes opened. 
Thank god, he's still alive

"Dirk!" You cried and smiled. 
"Jake..." He groaned, "What the... hell are you doing...?" 
"I-I don't know.." 

"Got your note..." He laughed, "You really are something else, English..." 

"I-I'm sorry.." You looked down, "I... I hated the thought of you having to shoot yourself, I'm so sorry-" 

"Jake, relax..." His eyes closed, "I don't care... Just... Give me that..." He motioned to your own gun. 
"W-What?? N-No, I can't-" 

"Please. I don't want to hurt anyone..." 

Be Karkat==> 

"Okay, he's been in there too long. We gotta break the fucking door down or something." You say and look around for something, "Maybe we can all charge at the door!" 

"How long has he been in there for?" Rose asked. 

"Too long..." John hugged himself. 

At that moment, the door opened and Jake walked out. He looked broken. "So... Uh... Found out what happened..." 

"Why were you in there for so long?!" You shouted. 

"I... Was talking to Dirk..." 

"He's still alive??" John asked, "What did he say??" 
"Um..." Jake looked away, "Not much..." 
"What happened with the gun?" 
"There... Wasn't a bullet." 


They all walked past Jake and went inside. I stared at Jake. He looked guilty of something. 
"Jake," You walked up to him, "What did you do?" 
"OH MY GOD!" John shouted. 

You walked past Jake and went inside. Your eyes quickly shifted away from Kanaya's body as you tried to make your way to the others. The sight of the blood on the floor made you feel sick. When you finally reached the others, you saw Dirk on the floor. You couldn't tell if he was alive or not because his head drooped down. If he was breathing, it must have been extremely slow because you couldn't see him breathe at all. 

"Don't touch him!" Jake said, following you to them, "i-It could be dangerous-" 
"What the hell is this?" John leaned down and picked up a piece of paper. He read it and looked to Jake, "You wrote this to him?? Jake, did you do this on purpose?" 


"Watch out!" Sollux pulled John back from Dirk's vicinity as he growled and reached for John's leg. He snapped his jaws towards you all, all traces of humanity were nowhere to be seen. You sighed and took out a knife from your pocket. You stopped when you heard a gun cocking. 

"Don't you dare..." Jake said, pointing a gun at you. You were surprised. 

"Jake! Put that thing dowwn!" Eridan shouted. 
"All of you get the fuck away from him! I'm not letting any of you take him from me too!" Jake started crying, "W-We can find a cure! And I can bring him back!!" 

"Jake, there is no cure!" Rose stepped close beside me, "Think about what you're doing. He's dead. There's no bringing him back. that's the cruel reality we all have to deal with. I have to deal with it. We all do. Just let it go before you hurt someone." 

Jake slowly lowered his gun and looked down to the floor, "I'll do it..." 

You all stepped out of the way so he could step closer to Dirk's corpse. He pointed his gun at Dirk, his hand shaking. He let out a soft chuckle and turned, pointing the gun back at you all.
"All of you. Get out." 

"Jake-" You began to say till he pointed the gun above your heads and shot at the ceiling. 

"Get out!!!" 

John grabbed your wrist and you all ran out of the room with Jake following behind. He put his hand on the doorknob and looked at you all, "I'm sorry." He shut the door and locked it. 

"What the fuck is going on?! I heard a gun shot!" Dave ran back inside, covered in dirt and holding a shovel.

You ran up to him and hugged him tightly, "Jake went fucking crazy.He made us leave the back room by firing a warning shot. He locked himself in the back room. Dirk's in there with him, but he's one of them now... Jake thinks he can cure him, but..." 

Dave sighed and hugged you tightly, "If only that were a possibility..." 

"What do we do now?" John looked to the door to the back room. 

"We just have to hope that Dirk's corpse will remain locked to that chain." Rose explained, "And hope that Jake will see what he is doing. He has to come out soon. He'll just starve in there. I'm positive we'll see him in just a short while. Maybe tomorrow morning if he plans to spend the night in there." 

ZOMBIESTUCK ~ DECAYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ