23: Trouble

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Be John==>

You don't know how much longer you're all going to last.
Jake has gone batshit crazy since he locked himself in the back room. He only comes out at night to get food. You saw him once when you were on watch duty. He's been in there for a week.

On top of that, Rose and Dave are more reclusive than ever, mostly Rose.
Dave still talks to Karkat and sometimes you, but Rose is just completely shut down.
She keeps to herself in the room upstairs. Sometimes you heard her crying about Kanaya and Roxy. You wish you could do something, but there's nothing to do. You can't change the past.

Eridan and Sollux keep to themselves, but sometimes they let you in on their conversations. They're worried about the others as much as you, but mainly Karkat. Karkat's just been trying to comfort Dave, but he's losing it over Kanaya's death.

"I don't wwant Kar to feel so awwful about it," Eridan sighed, "He's tryin' to be strong, but I can see him falling apart."
"Yeah," Sollux nodded, "Thith thuckth."

"What should we do?" You asked, "There has to be some way to make them all less distracted somehow. Ever since Jake locked himself in the back, none of us have gone outside to get more food. We'll run out soon, and we need water."

"It's up to the three of us," Eridan stood up, "Wwe havve to do it. If any of the others try to, they'll just be trouble. I feel like Rose is the type of person to go on a killing spree to mourn."
"When thhould we go then?" Sollux looked up.
"We'll talk about when after they all go to sleep," You say, "But definitely tomorrow."

You all talked about it when everyone went to bed. You agreed to go first thing in the morning without telling anyone. Sure, they might say that it's incredibly stupid to go out without telling them, but all of them are clearly going through some issues. Someone has to try to be the hero of the group, why not you?

"Got your guns?" You asked Sollux and Eridan, "Make sure they have bullets. Who knows what we may run into. Though, we shouldn't be gone long. We aren't going far."
"I hope evverything goes wwell," Eridan sighed, "Let's go."

You three walked out of the building in the morning. The sun was shining brightly and some dogs ran by. In all honesty, you had a good feeling. It felt like it was going to be a good day.

The three of you went down the street into some stores, trying to find any food or drinking supply.
"Why didn't we uthe a car?" Sollux asked as we entered a store, "Wouldn't it be eathier to get in, get out and carry all of our thhit?"
"Rose has the keys locked up somewhere. No point in getting them." You say, "Besides, we aren't that far from where they are. It'd just be a waste of gas."

"Guns up." Eridan quickly said as you heard some grumbling. You all raise your guns from where the noise is coming from. Then she walks out...

It's Vriska, but she's one of them now.

Eridan slowly lowered his gun, taking in the sight as you are. "VVriska..."

As soon as Eridan spits her name out, she comes running towards us at full speed, making a high pitched screech. Sollux shot her legs a few times, making her fall. She began to crawl like Tavros did when he died.

"Look!" Sollux pointed behind Vriska. There was a crowd of about three dzen of them. Some humans, some who used to be trolls.

"LET'S GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Eridan yelled and you all ran out of the store. The trolls screeched and began running, the three of you taking turns to look back and shoot them.

"Go wwarn the others before they come this wway," Eridan handed you his gun as he pulled out a machete.
"We'll hold them off," Sollux grabbed a rusty pole on the ground and held it in a batting position, "Go! We'll get back! Don't worry!"

You wanted to say something, but they were right. If you don't tell the others, the horde might come and break down the doors while they aren't prepared.
You ran away, wishing Eridan and Sollux good luck under your breath.

Be Sollux==>

"You realize wwe both just signed up for a death wwish, correct?" "Yup," You laugh, "No going back now."

You two watched as the runners came closer and closer, the rotters coming slowly behind.

"Hey, Sollux?"
"Remember wwhen wwe fucked in that Costco?" He stabbed a runner in the head as you swung, hitting the head clean off of another.

"What about it?" You blushed slightly.

"Just wwanted to say that it wwas pretty fun, and almost evveryday I'vve been thinking about it."

You swung another, "What'th your point?!"
"WWell," Another stab, "If wwe wweren't in this shithole right noww, wwould you say yes to goin' out wwith me?"
"Perhapth," Another swing, "Dependth on where you'd take me. Dinner and a movie?"
"Maybe," Another one down.

"Then yeth." You smile at him.
"Nice to knoww." He walked over to you and kissed you. It kind of took you by surprise. When he pulled away, he ran straight for the crowd.

"ERIDAN!!!" You followed him, knowing you wouldn't see everyone else again.

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