13: A Confusing Night

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AN: Hey guys, sorry for the long pause. Here's a short update for you DirkJake shippers) 

Be Jake English==>

You and Dirk sit back to back. You're holding your gun and watching the door, while he watches Vriska.

"So..." Dirk whispers, "How have things been..? Since before I got here..."
"Um... I suppose alright... But literally everything got bad when you did get here, and I don't mean that offensively.."
"Yeah, I know."

An awkward silence filled the room, and it's bugging you to no end. You know he probably feels the same too. How do you break the awkward silence?

"So..." He sighs, "I guess I won't be getting a proper welcome soon?"

"What?" You're confused. "What do you mean by a proper welcome? We did welcome you."

"No.. I mean... Everyone being happy and rushing to hug me and tell me how much they missed me.." Dirk sighed, "Never mind... It's just how I always pictured it in my mind... Instead, I had to come at the worst time possible, and I couldn't even give Jane a proper hello or goodbye. I couldn't say anything to her at all.."

"I'm positive everyone would have reacted the way you pictures if things hadn't gone horribly wrong." You look down, "Especially me..."
"Really? You would?"

"Well, of course. You're probably the only person I'm really close to now. Jane and Jade are gone... John and I don't really talk to each other. You're the only person I have.." You admit, feeling your cheeks get hot.
The silence fills in again, and it's driving you insane, until you hear Dirk let out a little laugh, "That's good to know.."

"I suppose so." You shrug.

You start to feel your eyes slowly close, and you keep forcing yourself to try to stay awake. You can't go to sleep. You won't.

"Jake, it's okay. I can take watch for a few hours. You should get some shut eye. I really don't mind staying up by myself."

"No, I want to stay up. I'm not tired." You yawn.

"Jake, come on. Quit the BS. We both know you're obviously tired. Just take a few minutes of shut eye. That's all I'm asking. You can even lay your head on my lap. I don't mind being used for a pillow."

"I won't go to bed yet. I will lay down on that offer, though." You move over and lay, with your head resting on Dirk's lap. He starts brushing his fingers through your hair, and you have to admit that it feels kind of nice.

You let your eyes shut, but you're still awake. For some reason, you can't fall asleep now. You really do want to sleep, but you can't bring yourself to do it. Instead, you talk to Dirk more. 

"Isn't someone's birthday coming up?" You open your eyes and stare up at him. 

"Who? I haven't exactly been keeping track of the days passing since the stupid apocalypse started." Dirk sighed and looked down at you. 

"Aradia," You pointed to the troll girl with swirly horns, "She showed me a paper that her friend gave her. It has all the important date's coming up, and she passed out the ones that had passed. I can probably ask her for the paper tomorrow morning. I think it's John's birthday. We should go out on a scavenge for something to get him. Just because the world has gone to shit, doesn't mean we still can't celebrate birthdays." 

"I guess so, but the others have to be in on it too. We'll have to prevent him from going on the run with us too." 

"Yeah," You felt a rush of cold air and rain started to pour from outside. You shiver and huddle close to Dirk.


"Well, duh." 

He pats your head and you sit up. he stands and walks over to a box. he grabs a blanket and walks over to Vriska, putting it over her. He walks back to it and grabs another one. He lays down on the floor, patting the spot beside him, "Body heat dude. Come on in. We can share the blanket." 

You quickly hurry over to him and lay down. He puts the blanket over the both of you and you must admit, this is pretty nice. He has his arm tightly around you, and he is extremely warm. You finally feel like you can fall asleep. 

"Thank you, Dirk." You kiss his cheek and close your eyes, pulling him closer and the blanket as well. 

Dirk, start blushing like a mad man==>

Did Jake fucking English... The cutie with the booty.... Just... Kiss your cheek? 
Hell yeah. 

This was exactly what you were waiting for. Does this mean he still has feelings for you after all this time? 

Whatever the answer may be, you're just happy that he's still alive. You finally found him. You found him and your family. Unfortunately, you wish you could have said something to poor Jane.

Why the hell did any of this have to happen? It isn't fucking fair to any of you. One day your loved one dies and the next you're just supposed to go with it and try to help other's and yourself survive? This is complete bullshit and you really wish you could have a few words with the president who left you all for dead. Maybe a few 'fuck you's here and there? Ugh, what good would it do? It's pointless now just thinking about it. 

Oh well... At least you still have your family and Jake. 

You look down at Jake, seeing him finally sleeping. Thank god. He really needed it too. You're glad you convinced him to take a rest. The bags under his eyes made you determined to do so. It's obvious that he has been taking a lot of the night shifts. 

You continue to keep watch for a few hours, until one of the trolls wakes up, grumpily telling you that he has to take a piss. After he comes back, he tells you to 'go the fuck to sleep'. He said he'd keep watch for an hour or two then wake up either John or Dave to do it. 

You don't complain and huddle closer to the sleeping boy next to you. Your eyes shut, and for once, the world seems to be at peace... 

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