10: Heart break

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Be Karkat Vantas==>

You tried making time for everyone.
You and John talked here and there.
You and Jake talked a bit as well.
Kanaya soothed you whenever you began to freak out.
You shoosh papped Gamzee when he was worried about him.
You, Dave, and the Mayor all sat in a corner; just being happy. John would come to sit with you all; talking to Dave until the Mayor and you told him no dorks allowed.

Most of the girls kept to themselves. Vriska was talking to Jane and Roxy most of the time.

Jade and Jake sat down across the room, talking about what would be the ultimate super weapon in the apocalypse.

Kanaya sat down near Tavros, watching over him. After a while, Vriska joined her. Gamzee would take over watch for Tavros.

"So.. Have you guys seen anyone else?" Dave looked at you
You shook my head, sighing. "I hope they're okay.."

"Hey, our friends are tough. I betcha' any of them could walk through that door right now. Terezi, Sollux, Aradia, Dirk, that one sweaty guy and the cat chick? Who knows.. They're all gonna be okay.."

"That's true.. And when Terezi gets here, I can embarrass you in front of her." You grin.

"Aw come on dude, not cool!" Dave crossed his arms, pouting. "That's so not cool. That's like, a fucking douche bag move right there."

"Oh look!" You hold out your hands, "Look right there! Do you see it!?"

"Um," He raised an eyebrow and stared at you, "See what?"

"At all the fucks I don't give!" I smirked. 

"Whoa, chill!" He put his hands top the Mayor's head."No cursing in front of the little dude.." 

"Oh for crying out loud Dave, he doesn't know! He doesn't even talk! BESIDES YOU JUST CURSED TOO!"

"Still," Dave kissed the top of the Mayor's head, "I don't want his precious mind being tainted with your fowl potty mouth. You're worse than me." Dave shook his head, "Not in my house mister." 

You groan and stand. "Fine. Whatever. I won't use my fowl potty mouth in front of the Mayor, deal?"

"Alright, deal." He smiled. 

You walk over to the corner where Gamzee and Tavros are. He's just staring at Tavros, watching his slow breathing. You know he was praying for Tavros to wake up all fine and dandy. You sigh and sit down beside him, patting his shoulder, "He'll be fine, Gam. Don't worry so much. Tavros is a tough guy. Sure, not by looks, but he really is.. Just wait, he'll wake up and you'll both be so fucking over joyed with happiness, you and flarper boy will be on cloud nine, I guarantee it." 

He smiled and hugged me, "Man, that's the best thing anyone's all up and said to me this whole time. Thanks Kar bro.. Hey, do you think maybe Tav bro will ever.. uh.. Fell anythin' for me? Like, more than a best bro's type of way?"

"Holy shit Gamzee, are you flushed for Tavros?" Gamzee nodded and you are shocked, "why didn't you ever tell me?!"

He shrugged. "I dunno. You all up and never seemed very fond of this mother fucker. You always complained how he was always whinin' about Vris Sis."

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