19: Long Time No See

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Be Aradia==> 

"There's one to your right, Kanaya." You point. Kanaya turned her head and sees a Rotter coming our way. She took out the katana and sliced it's head off. 

She sighed, "I wish I still had my chainsaw." 
"What happened to it?" You ask. 
"I lost it." She frowned. 

"It's alright." Rose smiled, "Perhaps we can find a new one while we search around here." 

"She's right," You added, "Since we haven't been in this area, we could find a lot more stuff. And what exactly are we searching for?" 

"Food, obviously." Rose pulled out a paper, "Some more supplies for fire, batteries, flashlights, and whatever else we can find that we can use." 
"I think I see a department store up ahead." Kanaya pointed out, "We should go in there." 
"Yeah." You nod and run ahead of them, "I'll scope it out to see if it's safe." 

You run and see just a few Rotters. You take them out on your own and wait for the couple to catch up. Once they're close enough, you look into the window of the store. It seems empty inside. In fact, it looks like no one has even touched the store at all. You smile and open the door slowly, with your weapon in your hand. You open the door and look inside. The store is in perfect condition. 
Rose and Kanaya are behind you now, looking inside. 

"How is it untouched?" 
"No one must have thought to come over here since this area is usually crowded." 
"Must be our lucky day." You grin and walk inside. It really did surprise you how clean it was. By clean, you don't mean the dust. It really has been left alone. Everything is too organized. It makes you uncomfortable. 

"Kanaya, Rose... I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this place." 
"Why? This is probably the best thing that's ever happened to us." Rose smiled and came in my direction, "You should try to relax. This is an amazing discovery." 

"She is right," Kanaya nodded, "You should relax." 

"Yeah..." You sigh and go through the store, trying to find stuff to bring back to everyone. You soon spot Sollux's special order. You grab the box and stuff it into your bag. You suddenly pause when you see a figure behind you from a mirror's reflection. You're about to say something when a hand puts itself over your mouth. 

"Long time, no see." Vriska grins. 

Be Kanaya==> 

You turn a corner and bump into Rose.
She giggled, "Watch where you're going."  
"My apologies," You kiss her forehead and start stuffing some batteries you found into a backpack. You glance around and wonder where Aradia is, "Rose, have you seen Aradia?" 

"I think she's in the health aisle." 

"I'm going to go over there." You walk down the store and your eyes widen when you see footprints of blood on the floor. You follow them and turn into an isle, seeing Aradia laying on the floor. She's twitching and choking on her own blood. 
"Rose! Come quick!" You kneel down beside Aradia and spot a stab wound in her stomach. You also see some blue blood, "Oh no..." 
Rose ran to where you were and gasped, "We have to go." 

There was a loud crash sound coming from the front of the store. You both looked up and saw Vriska jumping out the window she had broken with a bat. 
"Bitch! She's trying to draw Rotters near us!" You pick up Aradia, slinging her over your shoulder, "Rose, grab the bags! I'll carry her back home!" 

You both ran towards the front and headed out the door. To the right, there were over thirty Rotters coming towards the three of you. 
"Run! I'll take a few of them out!" Rose pulled out a gun and stopped to shoot some of them. 
"Rose, no! Let's just go!" You plead. She's being stubborn and not listening to you, so you just keep running. You hear her running back to you. Thank God. 
"This way," She pulls you into an alley and opens the door to a building, "I was here a while ago before I made my way into the group. We should wait in here for the Rotters to pass." 

You nod and put Aradia down on the floor. She's still alive, but unconscious. You grab your bag and start looking for bandages. Rose takes out some wipes and starts cleaning up the blood. 

"Aradia, please wake up." Rose cleaned her face of the blood coming from her mouth. 
You lift Aradia's shirt and bandage her wound. After that's done, you get a water bottle and pour some water onto Aradia's face. It surprised you that it actually woke her up. 

"Vriska! She's here!" She shouts, but pauses when she sees the two of you. She grunted and put her hand over the bandaged part of her wound, "Where are we?" 

"In a different building. We saw Vriska. She broke the window to draw Rotters near. We were able to get out, but there were more than we could handle just by ourselves since I was carrying you. We're stuck in here for a while." 
"Damn..." Aradia sat up, slowly. 
"Careful," You hand her a water bottle, "Don't put so much strain our yourself. You lost a lot of blood." 

"I'm fine. Been through worse." She laughed. 

"Well..." Rose looks at you, "What now?" 

You sigh, "We just wait..." 

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