12: Trouble

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Be Vriska Serket==>

Megido has been glaring at you
for the past hour and you can stand it. You're going to have to get rid of her somehow.
Of course, you're never going to admit anything about what you DIDN'T do. She has nothing on you. She can pin the blame on you all she wants to, but no one is going to ever know whether or not you really did anything.

Maybe one day when Aradia is out on a supply hunt, you'll go along and come back saying that a corpse had gotten to poor Aradia before you could save her. That sounds believable enough. For now, you just have to act like everything is all sunshine and daisies before she'll even accept the idea of you going out for supplies with her, let alone another person. You consider this careful watch over you, just a short safety precaution. They can't really do much to you if you don't say or do anything. For now, you're going to have to act.

Everyone is sitting by the fire. Jade and Jake are talking about guns, John and Karkat are laying beside each other and just talking like they normally do.
Feferi is sitting in between you and Aradia. You try to make conversation.
"Sooo Aradia... When's your boyfriend getting here? Hmmmmmmmm?"

"What?" She looks at you, confused.

"I mean Captor. When is he getting here? Or is he dead too?"

"I don't know, and he's not my matesprite, or boyfriend or whatever the hell you think we are. We are only friends, and I really don't feel like talking to you right now." She looked away.

"Mhm. And you Feferi? Where's Mister fish douche?" You smirk.

"Um, do you mean Eridan?"

"Yes! Exaaaaaaaactly what I mean! Where is he?"

"I don't know either. He was supposed to meet me at the CDC before I-" She stopped speaking.

"Before you what?"

"Nothing." She huddled closer to Aradia.

"You HAVE to say something now! Spit it out, Peixes!"

"She doesn't have to tell you anything about what happened at the CDC, Vriska." Aradia glared at you, pulled Feferi back.

You stand and look down at them, "I think I deserve to know! You're hiding something!!"

Your volume seemed the catch the attention of the other four.
"What the hell are you guys going on about?" Karkat groaned, standing up.

"She's- No. They're BOTH hiding something!" You point at them. "About the CDC!"

"Drop the subject Vriska!!" Aradia stood up along with Feferi.

Jake walked over to the two, "Ladies, is there really something that we should know?"

"No!" Aradia yelled.

"Let Feferi answer, Aradia". John walked up beside Jake, "Didn't you work there Feferi?"

Feferi slowly nodded. "Yeah.."

"So, what happened? It's okay if you don't want to share, but if it's important and we find out about it later, I'm sure everyone else will be very upset..."

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