18: Time

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Be Karkat==>

You place a blanket down on the floor as Dave shuts the door. You can hear low muffled of the girls gossiping, but you can't make out anything they're saying. At least you'll have some silence to sleep.
Unless Dave starts making terrible small talk, which is most likely to happen.
You place your pillow down and lay, letting another blanket fall over your small body. It's cold in the room, but silence is more important to you.

"Hey, you can take my blanket too if you're really cold." Dave says, sitting down beside you, "I don't want you to freeze."
"It's okay. I'm fine." Your teeth chatter as you talk, making you groan. Now Dave is going to make a big deal out of if.
"No, you're not fine." He talks his blanket and puts it over you, "Just take it."
"What about you?" You glance over your shoulder at him, "I don't want you to freeze your ass off either."

"Well, you want quiet so I can just go back out there-"
"No!" You sit up instantly. Your heart is pounding. "I mean, um... I don't want to sleep alone actually..." You mess with the sleeve of your sweater, a loose thread hanging, "Maybe we can... Share the blankets?"
"But you said you don't like sharing."
"I know, but it's okay. Just don't tickle me or some shit," You warn him. You laid back down with your back facing him. You just feel him lay down and cuddle up close under the blanket beside you. The body heat coming from him is actually helping you stay warm. You smile and close your eyes, your face nuzzling deep into the pillow.
"Goodnight, Karkat."
"Night, Dave..." You yawn and slowly let yourself fade away into a dream.

Dave is pulling you into an abandoned store and he's pressed up against you. His own hands are holding yours above your head; pinning you against the wall. You wish you could cover your face to save yourself from this embarrassment.
"Why so red?" Dave whispers, his finger placed under your chin, tilting it up, "It's only us here."
God, you feel like you're in a romance movie.

he brings his face closer to yours, the scent of apple cinnamon filling your nostrils. It's intoxicating, and you can't get enough of it.


As soon as Dave leans in to kiss you, you wake up.

"Dude." Dave shakes you, "Are you okay?"
"H-Huh?" Your eyes widen and your heart is pounding fast. His face is right above yours. he isn't wearing his glasses, so you see the concern in his eyes.

"You were acting weird in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare?"

No, far from it actually, you think to yourself as you sit up, "Uh..."

"It's okay." He wraps his arms around you, "I get them too."
"You have nightmares?"

"A lot more recently, yeah." He sighs, "Don't tell anyone, but that's why I've been wanting to take watch a lot more often, but Rose forces me to go to bed."

"Oh," You frown a little and lean into him. You rest your head on his shoulder. This is nice. "Well, I wasn't actually having a nightmare. It was a really nice dream."
"Then what was up with all of the thrashing around?"
"Oh! Uh, well..." You turn red and try hiding your face, "It was just, uh, about the person I was talking about earlier."
"Oh," He smiled at you, but it didn't seem like a genuine smile, "Sorry I woke you up then. I was just worried about you."

"It's okay." You mumble, wrapping your own arms around him. You and him really didn't say much else to each other, and just held onto one another. It was really really nice. You thought you'd be freaking out by being this close to him, but he makes you feel calm and safe. So secure. Your eyes started to droop a bit as his scent(not apple cinnamon, but he smells surprisingly nice for being stuck in an apocalypse) began to whisk you away into a sleep again. You had your eyes closed, and sleep was about to possess you. Of course, sleep wasn't going to take over just yet because Dave finally spoke, "Can I tell you something?"

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