17 Bow Chicka Wow Wow~

321 21 26

Be Jake==> 

"Hey, has anyone seen where those two chaps have run off to?" You walked to the group. 

Karkat nodded, "I think they're still in the back." 
"They've been there for hours." Aradia stood up, "We should go see if they're okay." 

You and Aradia walked to the back and opened the door. 
"Sollux? Eridan?" She called out. 

You both looked to the side and saw them sleeping beside each other. Eridan was leaning against Sollux's shoulder. Aradia smiled and looked back at you, "We should probably get someone to help move them to some sleeping bags by the fire. They'll get cold in here." 

"Yeah, I'll get Dirk." You nod and walk out to Dirk. He's sitting beside Dave and Rose, talking about hair products. What the fuck, why are they talking about that of all things? ARE THEY NOT NATURAL BLONDES?! 
"Um, Dirk? I hate to interrupt your conversation, but Aradia and I need help moving Eridan and Sollux to a more comfortable place to sleep." 

"Hm?" He looks up at you then stands, "Oh, sure." 
You walk to the back and see Aradia trying to lift Sollux. Dirk laughs and picks up Sollux, carrying him over his shoulder. You and Aradia team up, carrying Eridan. You all walk back out to the fire and lay them both down beside each other. 

Aradia kisses their foreheads and sits beside John. 

You smile and see Dirk walking away from the group, going back to the spot Sollux and Eridan were. You began to follow him to see what he was up to. 

"Dirk? What are you doing over here?" 

You turn a corner, but it seems that he has vanished. "Dirk?? Where did you go?" 


You nearly shriek when he whispers behind you. You turn around and hit him, "Don't do that! You scared the pants off of me!"
"I wouldn't be complaining if that happened." He winks at you.

"Dirk!" You hit him again, laughing, "Perv."
"Oh hush." He wrapped his arms around you. You blush darkly as he starts to sway with you, "Jake, I'm so happy I found you..." 

You smile and feel butterflies in your stomach. You missed him so much, and it's been so long since you and Dirk have been so close. You look up at him and snatched his dumb glasses, "There. They shouldn't be covering up your eyes so much. It'll ruin your sight." 
"Aw, but I like wearing my shades." 
"They're dumb and pointy." 
"That's not the only thing pointy right now." 

You completely pull away and burst out laughing. Your whole face is red, isn't it? 

"Oh come on, I was joking." 

"You're so gross." You stick out your tongue at him and he cups our cheeks. 

"Can I do something gross? Well, I mean, it's not gross, but if someone saw it they would say it's gross...." 
"Sure." You mumble, and he leans in to kiss you. 

Be Dave Strider ==> 

"Hey, Karkat." You run up to him. He was drawing on the walls with the Mayor. He had found some chalk in the back room earlier this morning and surprised the Mayor with it. 

He looked up at you, "Hey. What do you want?" 

"Do you know where Dirk is? He just like, disappeared."

Karkat covered his mouth as if he was trying not to laugh. He pointed over to the back, where the girls were putting their ears to the door, "They're having 'fun' in the back. The girls thought it'd be interesting to hear what they say. I pulled Mayor from them so he wouldn't have to hear whatever god knows they're saying." 

"Oh... Ew." You sit next to him and grab a red chalk, doodling on the walls with them, "At least some people can find happiness and this world." You sigh. 

Karkat pauses and looks at you, "What do you mean?" 

"It seems like everyone's kinda like, 'in love' right now. Examples: Kanaya and Rose, Jake and Dirk, Sollux and Eridan-" 
"What the fuck?? Sollux and Eridan aren't together." 

"Hey! Don't curse in front of Mayor!" 

"Anyways. They are. John told me that Sollux told him that they had 'fun' times before they found them. And just look at them right now! They're sleeping, but they're practically glued to each other.And if that doesn't work out, Sollux is like super into Aradia too-"

"But... How are you not happy? You and John are always together..." 

"What does John have to do with relationships?" You're so confused. 

"What??? I thought you and him were... like.... dating."

You burst out laughing, "No way. I'd never date John. He's cool and all, but he's just my best friend. He's family." You look over at John, who fell asleep beside the two trolls, "He's a total dork. I don't think he's gay though. Even though we used to tease him about it so much. He really liked Vriska, remember? And you know how all that stuff turned out."

"Right." Karkat nodded and glanced at the Mayor. You two noticed he was getting sleepy, so Karkat walked over to John and laid him down beside him. He draped a blanket over him and walked back over to you. You two sat there, continuing with chalk to decorate the wall with your art. 

"Soooo...." You look at him, "Do you like anyone?" 

"Pft, as if I'd ever tell you, Strider."

"Aw, come on! I can keep a secret."


"Can I get a hint?" 



"Fine... It's... Someone who is with us right now. They're still alive."

"Wow, that's a shitty hint." 
"Hey, at least you fucking got one, prick." He stuck his middle finger out at you. 

You only laugh and put the chalk down, dusting the chalk pieces off of you. 
"What about you?" Karkat looks at you.

"Hmmm." You tap your chin and smile, "They're still alive."

"Are they with us?" 

"Maybe." You grin and stand up, "Well, I'm gonna go to bed. How about you?" 
"Yeah," He yawns, "but I think I'm gonna go to the upstairs part of the warehouse so I can get some peace and quiet. I don't want to hear the girls giggling and gossipping." 

"Damn, you took my idea." You groan, "Mind if I join you?" 

"I don't care." He shrugs and grabs a blanket from the pile near the fire, "Just bring your own shit, I don't like sharing." 

You follow him up the stairs and you glance down at the girls. You see Rose staring at the two of you and she gives you a thumbs up. You smile to yourself, knowing she won't spill the beans to the others if you actually manage to get Karkat to like you (or fuck with you). 

Wouldn't it be fucking awesome if the person he's crushing on is you? Damn, that'd be sick... 

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