20: Blood. Blood Everywhere.

278 22 5

Be Karkat==>

"How long have they been gone for?" You sigh and sit beside the guys. It shocked you that the girls who went out are the only ones left.

"A long time. God damn it, why didn't any of us go with them?!" Sollux groaned.

"Well, these two were busy fucking each other in the back," Dave explained as he pointed to Dirk and Jake. They both flushed and looked away, "I was busy fucking Karkat-"

"DAVE, SHUT THE FUCK UP." You growled.

"And what about you three?' Dave looked to Eridan, Sollux and John.

"They didn't want us to go," Sollux sighed, "I wanted to, but they made us stay to rest. Guys, we look like fucking chumps letting the girls do all of the work."

"Uh, I was sleeping..." John looked down.

"We need to start putting in our weight." Dirk stood up, "We should go on a run. They've been gone for a long time, so we need to go see if they're okay. Who's with me?"
Jake stood up, "I'll go too. How about you guys?"

"I'll go too." John stood up.

The Mayor ran up to me and Dave, holding a stick.

"No way, you're not going out, little buddy." Dave sat him down, "It's too dangerous. You and Karkat are gonna stay here."

"Who said I was staying back?" You stood up, along with Dave, "I'm going to go."

"You need to stay here." Dave crossed his arms, "If something goes wrong, I don't-"

"Dave, I can take care of myself. You can't boss me around."

"No, you're staying-"

"For fucks sake, just let him go, Davve." Eridan rolled his eyes, "I'm sure Kar can take care of himself. He's not a wwriggler."

"Alright, so me, Dirk, John, Karkat, and Dave?" Jake confirmed. Dirk put a hand on his shoulder, "Hm? What is it?"

"Jake, can you stay here?" Dirk asked.
"No! I'm going!"
"No. You're not. I know your ass is probably so fucking sore from the things I did to you, and I don't want that putting your life in danger."

All of you tried to hold in a laugh as Jake's face turned red.
"It doesn't hurt! I'm going and that's that!"

After all of the arguing, the five of you geared up with guns and silent weapons. You all set off to go find the girls. Dave was mad at you for not staying back. He's giving you the silent treatment. So mature... Why do you even like him?

"I think I heard them say they were heading west." You point, "Should we go that way?"
"Why would they go that way?" John questioned, "Don't they know that's the worst place to go?!"
"Well, let's go that way then." Dirk nodded and led the way.

You and Dave walked behind the three of them. You sighed and tried getting Dave to talk to you. You nudged his arm and whispered, "Hey, are you going to act mature or not. Yo can't be mad at me just for coming along."

He's really pissing you off now.

"Seriously, Dave? You're not gonna talk to me because I came along to see if my friends are okay? Aradia? Kanaya? Your sister?"

"I'm mad because you couldn't just listen to me. Where we're going is dangerous. Those pieces of shit are all around this area." He whispered, glancing at you, "I just want you to be safe. I wanted you to stay behind and protect Mayor too, just in case something happens."

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