Chapter 3

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"I'll see you tomorrow," Chloe said hugging Dustin and I.

"Are you going to the hospital," I asked.

"Yea." Chloe walked away.

"She's not alright," I told Dustin on our way to dance.

"Her mother's in the hospital and her father's in jail. I don't think she should be alright."

"I know, but I'm just worried about her."

A few days passed and it was Saturday, the day of the first competition this season. Michele remained in the hospital.

Dustin, his parents, Mrs. Bellerose, my mother and I had all traveled to New York.

We were backstage getting ready while Mrs. Bellerose checked out our competitors in the hallway.

Dustin and I normally goof around, but during competitions we know there's no time so we stay focused.

"Hold on you need more bronzer," I said rushing over to Dustin with a makeup brush. Our parents stay in the audience so I have to help him with makeup.

"This is the one part of dance I didn't sign up for," he stated while I applied more bronzer to his cheeks. I smiled chuckling to myself.

When we were finished getting ready we put on out jackets so out competitors couldn't see our costumes. We found Mrs. Bellerose standing next to the backstage door.

"There you two are," she said pushing us backstage. "They're on number 22, you're 24."

We gave her our jackets and she went to sit in the audience. We went back stage and stretched a bit more while we watched the other teams.

"What about these two," Dustin asked about the couple who was number 23.

"They're really good," I stated truthfully.

Dustin gave me a worried look and the announcer called us out. We quickly got up and took our starting positions on stage.

Our music began and we dance along the stage. When we were finished we met Mrs. Bellerose and our family members in our dressing room. They congratulated us and we waited for a long time for our results.

When they finally started announcing winners everyone went up on stage.

"Our third place winner is," a mans said. Dustin and I grabbed hands hoping it wasn't us. It wasn't.

They called second and finally, "In first place, Dustin and Faye with Quiet Dreams." We ran up to relieve our awards.

In the audience I could see our family and Mrs. Bellerose standing and cheering in the audience. Along with others disappointed parents who gave us a boring clap.

Dustin wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked off stage. After be congratulated we went back to our hotel.

Dustin and his family had a room, Mrs. Bellerose has hers, and my mother and I had ours. Because it was about eight o'clock when we got to the hotel we decided to eat separate, but Dustin wanted to talk to me. So we decided to eat in a cafe at the hotel.

"What did you need to tell me that was so important," I asked Dustin as we sat down with our food.

"This girl invited me to some party and I wasn't sure if I should go."

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