Chapter 23

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"What are you doing here," Dustin closed his bedroom door.

"My mother," I began yelling.

"Shh, my family's asleep."

"Right," I whispered. "My mother is pissed at me for no reason and Chloe left me flat. Oh, and my boyfriend cheated on me!" I slumped on his bed and put my face into my palms in anguish. Dustin sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"This sucks." I laid down. Dustin's arm went into an awkward position because I laid on it. "Sorry." I sat up a tiny bit and he pulled his arm out.

"You'll figure it out," he said and laid down too.

"What do I do until then," I asked.

"Well, you could punch the girl he kissed in the face and get suspended." I smiled and looked at him. He smiled back.

Only about 1-2 chapter left!

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