Chapter 6

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"Faye, I'm home," my mother called while I was getting changed out of my pajamas.

"Is it alright if I go to a party right now," I asked.

"I suppose so, it is a Friday."

"Thank you." I'm so grateful I have a laid back mother. I went downstairs and walked to the address Chloe gave me. The party looked like that of a typical movie. TP on the shrubs outside of her house, loud music playing and strobe lights flashing on the inside, and I was surprised to find several beer cans as well.

Lucky for me Chloe was right out front. "Good you're here," she said when I got closer.

"Why exactly am I here?"

"This party is the shit and there was no way in hell you were going to miss it!"

"What the hell Chloe, are you drunk!"

"I had like two beers. We're young, let us live a little!"

"Yeah Chloe, let us live, but not now, not at fifteen. You shouldn't be drinking."

"It's all good, they gave us fake ids," Chloe fumbled around in her pockets until she found the fake id.

"That looks nothing like you," I stated when she showed me.

"Whatever! Are you gonna stay?"

"To make sure you're alright, yes."

"Yay," she belted and dragged me inside.

The party was much bigger than I originally thought. There was almost one hundred people in the living room alone.

"Where's Dustin," I asked curious of what state he was in.

"Follow me," Chloe said making her way through the sea of people. We went through Ella's dining room and kitchen until we reached the back door. Ella and Dustin were sitting on a couch outside alone. Although I hate to admit it looked very romantic, it wasn't too loud and they were the only one out there. The minuet Ella heard the door close she looked up. Our eyes met and when she finally noticed who I was her face locked onto Dustin's.

I wasn't sure it she was doing it for spite or not, but either way I wasn't going to watch. I stormed back inside and Chloe rushed in after me.

"What's your problem," she asked.

"Nothing," I said completely ling to her face. "Where are the drinks?"

She gave me a big, dumb, drunk smile. "I knew you'd come around." She led me over to a random cooler on the floor. I opened it and took out the first can I saw.

I just drank all my problems away. I didn't want to think about Dustin, or Michele in the hospital. The last thing I wanted to think about was what Ella did. Chloe and I danced with almost anyone who would. Most of the people were Dustin's friends, but a few others guys came up to us. This one guy tried to kiss me, but I pushed him off.

Around twelve o'clock there was a knock at the door. Ella came rushing out of nowhere and opened it. When everyone noticed it was a cop someone cut off the music and everyone his their drinks.

"Is the party over yet," the female cop asked.

"Mom I thought we discussed this, I need you to keep you co-workers away from here until one A.M.," Ella replied.

Are you kidding me? This girl's mother was a cop!

"Oh right, carry on everyone," Ella's mother said and left.

The music started up again and everyone went back to their business, including Ella. Dustin rushed over to her and pinned her against the wall. They kissed passionately. I couldn't take it anymore, or at least the drunk me couldn't. I rushed over to the two and pushed Dustin off of her. Because he was caught off guard I was abled to know him right to the floor. When Ella realized Dustin wasn't there anymore her eyes shot open.

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