Chapter 7

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After lunch I had English 1 and Frankie was in my class. My teacher assigned a project that required partners. He gave us the choice of picking out our own partners. A few of Dustin's friends were also in my class and asked me to be their partner, but I noticed Frankie was standing in the back alone. I walked back and asked, "need a partner?"

"Aren't you already my partner, my dance partner that is," he smirked and said.

"You're so funny I forgot to laugh."

"Is that sarcasm I hear?"

"You should get used to it." We sat down and listened to the directions for the project. It was an out-of-school assignment, which wasn't a problem for us two. We are in the same dance class and it would help us bond better. The assignment was to read a book of choice, but it had to be high school reading level, and make a graphic organizer on a poster board.

After school Frankie and I walked to the studio. He was asking me a bunch of questions about past competitions. Finally he asked this, "Why did you need a partner in such a hurry anyway?" We were a few blocks away from the studio and I wasn't sure if I had enough time to tell him he while story, but I tried my best to explain.

"My old partner was to guy named Dustin. At our last competition he told me he was thinking about quitting dance. He wanted more time to focus on his school work and his social life. I wasn't to happy about what he said. Last week he didn't show up to any of our class so Mrs. Bellerose called him and he said he was gonna take a brake. I don't know if he's coming back, or not."

"Was that the boy you were arguing with at lunch," Frankie asked.

"You saw that," I asked trying to keep my cheeks from turning bright red. "Yeah, but it wasn't a dance argument."

"You don't have to answer, but what was it about then."

"He just sent me a rude text message and I wasn't sure why he was acting that way."

"Oh alright," he said when we arrived at the studio. He opened the door and let me walk inside.

"Oh you're here," Mrs. Bellerose said sitting at her desk doing what appeared to be paying bills. She took her glasses off and stood up. "Go get ready and meet me inside." She went into Studio A. We put our shoes on and went into the studio with her. She looked very excited to be back in action. "Alright, Faye take him through our stretch routine." She started the music and I took him through the stretches.

Once we were finished Mrs. Bellerose made us go across the floor which I hadn't done since I was ten, but I guess she wanted him really warmed up. I was so embarrassed when his botmas were higher than mine. When we finished stretching Mrs. Bellerose took us up front and we went over some simple steps that would be included in our waltz. Afterward we started to learn the dance. It was way below my level and I could tell Frankie was above it as well.

"Good work today," Mrs. Bellerose said to us when class was over. "How are you getting home Faye?"

"I was gonna walk. Why?" I asked.

"I need to speak with you, I'll give you a ride." Frankie and I changed our shoes and I got into Mrs. Bellerose's car.

"So what's up," I asked her.

"Have you talked to Dustin lately?"

"Today, but it wasn't more of a conversation."

"I know you probably don't want to hear this, but if Dustin doesn't start two months after our next competition he's cut for good."

"Even if he wants to start again next year."

"Doesn't matter, he's obviously not taking dance serious anymore, but if he joins in about three month again, he'll do a competition with you, and I'll know dace is his passion."

"Alright," I said. I didn't want to admit it, but I really missed Dustin. It had only been a few day, but they were so screwed up I didn't know what to do to fix them. When we arrived at my house I went straight to my room and started my homework. It was around seven o'clock when Chloe texted me asking to meet her at her house, so I went. 

"Faye," Michelle said when she opened the door. It was so good to see her well and not have to worry about Austin being home.

"Where's Chloe," I asked.

"In her room." I went upstairs and into her room and sure enough he was there.

"There you are," said Frankie who was sitting on the bed with Chloe.

"What are you doing here," I asked Frankie.

"I was gonna meet you after dance and walk home with you, but when I got there you were long gone. Frankie told me where you went and then he decided to come over, and here we are," said Chloe.

"Oh, alright." We only stayed at Chloe's for a little because it was a school night after all. Since my house was on the way to Frankie's, he walked me home. "This is a silly question, but who do you hang out with in school."

"Oh there's too many to keep track of," he mumbled.

"You just started this year! How is that possibly? Wait, are you lying?"

"Fine, I sit alone."

"Frankie," I said in a sorrowful voice. "You can sit with me, you know."

"Alright then," we were already at my house. Frankie came into my line of vision and for a few seconds (which felt like minuets) our eyes met. I knew it was way too soon and all I wanted to do was pull away, but I couldn't. Finally, Frankie came to and pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said and left.

I went inside and took a shower and went to bed. I couldn't believe it was only Monday. I still had a week left of dealing with Dustin and I wasn't ready or it, trust me.

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