Chapter 10

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Luckily today was Saturday and I didn't have school. Taking a shower with a cast was the most annoying thing I've ever had to do. I couldn't get it wet so I had to wrap it up in a plastic bag. I knew my arm was going to stink once i got that thing off.

My mother went out with Michelle, which mend I was home alone. I was going to invite Chloe over, but she had some project to finish. Which made me remember my project with Frankie, so I invited him over.

"I'm so fucking confused by this book," he said when we were in my room.

"Don't sweat it. I'll just remember the information and you can make the graphic organizer."

"Great," he said in a monotone voice.

"Did you expect me to do all the work?"

"Well I just thought that's how you were with your boyfriends."

"What's that supposed to me," I asked annoyed.

"We are in your bedroom," he smirked. I was about to push him off my bed for making such a sexual joke.

"There's something wrong with you."

"I know," he said wrapping his arm around me. I immediately pushed it off.

"Can we please just work on our project, please?"

"Why would we do that," he said rolling me onto my back and sitting on me.

"You have two second to get the fuck off of me! I'm no side chick."

"Exactly, because I don't have a main chick." He jokingly leaned in.

"Wow, I feel so special... Baby."

"You know I love it when you call me that... Baby," he laughed. I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't. One reason being his fat ass was on my stomach. The other being I almost liked being called baby. Frankie finally noticed I was laughing, but instead I was starting. He tried to say something, but I could only see his lips moving.

He gave up on getting my attention and tried to get off, but my subconscious mind didn't let him. I grabbed his leg so he wouldn't get off. Frankie stared at me, right into my eyes. He leaned in and our lips met. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he laid flat on top of me. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I liked it.

We stayed there for a while just making out. I'm not sure if it was 15 minuets, but it felt like forever. Something inside me wanted to take it further, but I knew a lot better than to do that. Although it was really hard trying to stay dressed, it was even harder to pull away. I finally did so. We were both speechless. After a few seconds (and I repeat seconds) of awkward science, Frankie gathered his things and left.

"What the hell did I just do," I asked myself out loud. I felt so dirty and all I wanted to do was shower, but there was no time for that. We barely started out project and it was do Friday. So I spent the rest of the afternoon reading.

It was about five o'clock when there was a knock at the door. I got up from my bed and walked to my front door. When I opened it I was met with a powerful slap to my face. Before I could even tell who it was they pinned me to the floor and did anything they could to bruise me. Then they started screaming, "You fucking dumb ass bitch!" She had a female voice, but I still couldn't see her face. "What are you trying to do? Fist you try to steal my boyfriend! Then you make out with the other guy I was seeing!"

"Ella," I tried to say. She eventually gave up. Ella got off of me and began to walk out of the door. I ran after her and screamed, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you know where I live? How do you know about Frankie?"

"Rumors spread fast hon," she yelled while she continued to walk away.

"Dustin will find out about you!"

"You already tried that, remember and you might wanna watch out with what you tell him," she said getting into her car. Finally she sped away. I walked back inside and closed the door. I looked at my face in the mirror. Lucky, nothing was bruised and my broken arm was fine. I thought to text Dustin, but he wouldn't believe me anyway.

Not much happened on Sunday. I sat home alone contemplating my awesome, but also shitty weekend. Then came Monday.

It was at lunch and I noticed Dustin and Ella standing near our table. Dustin looked pissed and Ella looked upset. Ella pointed in our direction and Dustin can stomping over.

"Who the fuck do you think you are," Dustin screamed at Frankie.

"I don't know what your talking about, bud," Frankie replied.

"You know very damn well what I'm talking about," Dustin's friends, Chloe, and I stared blankly at him. "You've been kissing my girlfriend!" Frankie looked at me for a moment (I think he though Dustin was talking about me) then back at Dustin (I believe he realized it was Ella).

"Listen man, your girlfriend indicated it."

"That's no what she told me, and I believe her more than a sleaze like you!"

"I swear it wasn't my fault!"

"Your "girlfriend" is the problem, Dustin," Chloe chimed in.

I knew I had to do something and quick. "She came to my house yesterday and beat me up." The sentence felt so tacky, but it shut them up. Everyone near us looked at me. Dustin looked back at Ella, who gave him a fake sorrowful look.

"Fuck you," Dustin said lunging at Frankie. They were on the floor and Dustin was laying into him.

"Get off of him you idiot," I yelled not knowing what to do. I tried to pull him off, but Dustin just threw me to the side. Chloe ran to get a a teacher, Ella stood about a yard away smirking, and a few of Dustin's friends came over to help. When Chloe came back with a teacher, Dustin's friends finally managed to pull him off Frankie. Dustin went to the principal's office and Frankie to the nurse.

A few minutes later, Frankie came back with ice. He said, "Dustin got suspended."

"How long," I asked playing with my food, still shocked by the whole situation.

"Two months," he replied.

Carm, I'm not sure if you hate this chapter, or love it because Frankie kissed Ella, but Dustin beat him up.

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