Chapter 15

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It was Thursday, Christmas Eve, and I was talking to Frankie on the phone. We were both with our families and he was introducing me to his aunts, uncles, cousins, and other family members. It was super awkward and the whole time I wanted to call them asses for taking my boyfriend away for Christmas.

My family isn't very close so he only met my aunt and her daughter. Christmas used to be a big event, but after my father left when I was six thing died down. So only my mother's sister and her daughter came.

After dinner I walked over to Frankie's house to check on Kory, who decided to shit everywhere, but his pee pad. I sent Frankie a picture of Kory sleeping on my lap around ten while I was watching TV.

I woke up, still in his house, around two in the morning. "Shit," I exclaimed. Kory jumped of my lap startled and began barking. I grabbed my jacket and Kory followed me as I ran to the door. I looked at my phone to find at least 100 texts from my mother. I locked his door and sprinted home.

As I turned up my street I noticed a cop car parked outside of my house. I opened my front door to find my panicked mother crying on the couch with the cop's arm around her. "Mother," I announced. The cop took his arm away and stood up.

"Where the hell were you," shouted my mother.

"I had to feed my dog and I fell asleep."

"I should go. If you need anything else ma'am you can call that number I have you," announced the officer.

"Thank you," replied my mother.

As the police officer passed me I told him, "Yeah, she won't need the number, unless it's your bosses. Who I'll tell that you were coming onto my mother during duties." The officer looked down and walked outside. I locked the door behind him.

I sat next to my mother on the couch and she hugged me. "I'm sorry," I told her.

"I understand. It's late let's go to bed." We walked upstairs and into our rooms.

On Christmas Day Chloe and her mother come over for dinner. Chloe and I exchanged gifts. She gave me a few rings and a pair of boots.

After dinner we decided to go over Dustin's to give him his gifts from us.

"Hello girls," his mother answered the door. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," we replied.

"Would it be alright if we have Dustin his gifts," I asked.

"Why the hell not," his mother replied letting us in. We all walked up to his room. "You friends are here," his mother said then she walked away.

Chloe and I went into his room. "Merry Christmas," we both said.

"Merry Christmas," he replied.

"We brought gifts," Chloe said giving him her's. He opened both our gifts and thanked us. He reached under his bed and handed us each a box. I took notice that Chloe's was a lot larger than mine.

Chloe relieved a few shirts and thanked Dustin. I open my very tiny box and fouls a beautiful diamond bracelet. I no longer felt bad that Chloe's box was lager than mine.

"I don't know what to say," I told Dustin over joyed. Chloe looked at Dustin and smiled.

"I thought I get you something nice after all I put you through," he said slumped in his bed. Just then my phone rang.

"I've gotta take this, it's Frankie." Dustin's smile disappeared. I stepped out of the room answering the call. "Hello."

"Hey gorgeous how's Kory," Frankie asked.

"I haven't checked on him yet today."

"Oh,  Merry Christmas by the way."

"Merry Christmas. Listen, I've gotta go, I'm with Chloe and Dustin."

"I'll talk to you later then," he hung up. I walked back into the room to find Chloe rubbing his shin while he was sitting up with his face in his hands. "Am I interrupting something," I asked as I get my face go red.

"No," Chloe said stopping what she was doing. Dustin also looked up and his eyes were red and puffy. "My mom just texted me and she wants me home. I'll see you later." Chloe left.

"I should go too," I announced.

"Wait," Dustin pleaded. "You have dance on Monday, don't you."


"Since Frankie isn't here, would it be okay if I came in," he asked.

"That would be great," I said shutting his bedroom door as I left.

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