Chapter 9

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It was Friday and Chloe and I still weren't sure who Frankie was spending his lunch time with. We'd follow him out of the cafeteria and right before we saw who she was, Frankie would catch us. Today has to be different. Chloe stayed back this time because one person would be less noticeable. After Franke left I followed him out of the cafeteria and into the courtyard . He looked around and I ducked behind a table. He proceeded to shimmy behind a set of bleachers. I guess he really didn't want people to find out. I follow him behind and sure enough there they were, sucking each other's faces. At first I could see who she was, but then he pinned her against the wall and pulled away. There she was, Ella McHart. I was so shocked that I just stood there. I knew Ella probably didn't tell Frankie about Dustin so I put no blame on him.

"Frankie," It slipped and i instantly regretted saying anything. They both stopped and looked over at me.

"What the fuck Faye," groaned Frankie.

"It's, uhh, not what it looks like," stumbled Ella. "Dustin knows, it's all part of some weird shit he's into."

"Fuck you," I told Ella. "I know Dustin a lot better than a skank like you, and I know he wouldn't want this."

"Wait, wait, Dustin your old dance partner," Frankie added confused. He turned to Ella and asked," you're dating him?" She just stood there not saying a throng. Frankie pushed passed her and me and stormed back inside.

Ella looked up at me and flashed her beautiful manicure middle finger and pushed past me and back inside as well. All I was thinking was, "if only I got a picture for Dustin to see." My mind couldn't stay there long though. I went back inside peering at Ella when I walked by her table. Her beautiful middle finder was wrapped in Dustin's hand. If only he knew. Frankie was with Chloe and I sat back in my chair.

"Are you alright," I asked Frankie. 

"It's not you I'm mad at," he said mumbling. "I'm pissed she's seeing someone else."

"What happened," Chloe mouthed to me.

"Ella happened," I mouthed back. Chloe gave me a strange look.

"Shit I forgot, Faye I left the math worksheet upstairs. Can you come with me to get it," she asked. I was confused at first, but I figured out that she wanted to talk. We went to the bathroom. "What the hell happened?"

"Ella is the girl Frankie has been making out with!"

"What about Dustin?"

"What can I say? I guess she's just a hoe!"

"Fuck, and I thought we could trust her. How are we gonna tell Dustin?"

"As if he'll listen," I said. "We both know he's stubborn and always thinks he's right."

"Did you grab a picture," she asked.

"I wish, that would make things a lot easier."

"Well no matter what, nothing will get done with Ella around. I'll invite Dustin over tonight, meet me at my house around six," she said and we left the bathroom.

Later that night at around five o'clock I got a call. I was in dance class, but I told Mrs. Bellerose it was important and she let me answer. "Hello," I said into my phone.

"Dustin said he can come, but he wants to bring Ella," Chloe said back.

"Well tell him he can't."

"Alright sorry to bother you. See in a little," she said and hung up. I joined Frankie back in class.

"Let's run the dance again," Mrs. Bellerose commanded. She started the music and we ran the routine. We were about half way through what we learned so far and we had to do a simple lift. He picked me up which was successful, but when he put me down I landed weird. I twisted my ankle and fell onto my are. It hurt like all hell. Mrs. Bellerose stopped the music and both her and Frankie came over to me.

"Are you alright," they both asked.

"I think so," I tried to stand up using the are I landed on to push myself, but I couldn't do it. "I think I twisted my wrist or something." I turned onto my back and Mrs. Bellerose asked for my arm. I gave it to her and she felt it.

"I think you might have broken it," she said, although I had no idea how she could tell. "We should take you to the hospital." We left class and go in her car. Frankie drove because he ha his learners permit while Mrs. Bellerose called my mother. We got to the hospital and waited in the emergency room. Once my mom arrived, Mrs. Bellerose left because she had a class later that night. Frankie decided to stay with us which was very nice.

I was very anxious because it was already six and there were tons people in the waiting room. When we finally got called back it was almost six thirty. When the doctor was talking to me, my phone kept buzzing and I assumed it was Chloe. After he spoke to me, the doctor took me to get an x-ray. Unfortunately, I broke my are and need a cast for at least two months, which meant no competition in a few weeks.

After the hospital my mom drove Frankie home before taking me to Chloe's. "Watch you arm," She said before I got out of the car. I got out of the car and knocked on Chloe's front door. Michelle answered and told me that Chloe and Dustin were upstairs in her room. I went upstairs and into Chloe's room.

"Where have you been," Chloe said, but then noticed my arm. "Oh, what happened?"

"Frankie dropped me and I broke it."

"Who's Frankie," asked Dustin.

"My new dance partner," I said. It felt weird talking to him again.

"Who the fuck is he," he said with jealousy and rage in his voice. He immediately noticed his outburst and blushed.

"It doesn't matter, we're here for something else," Chloe chimed in.

"Dustin, hear us out okay. In school today, I saw Ella cheating on you."

"Why would you say something like that? Listen, I'm sorry I've been spending a lot of time with her, but she's my girlfriend. Just because your jealous, doesn't mean you get to make rumors up about her!"

"Dustin, your not listening to us. Why would we lie about something like that," Chloe asked rhetorically. "We're your friends and we wouldn't lie about that."

"I am listening, but I don't want to believe it. I can't believe what you're saying," Dustin said frantically. "I've gotta go. I'm gonna call Ella and sort things out." He stood up and left.

"Shit, Ella's gonna kill me," I said knowing Ella probably knew I was the one who told Dustin.

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