Chapter 13

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Frankie and I were at Chloe's around three, telling her about our relationship. "So that's what was going on yesterday," Chloe said and smirked. "Did you tell anyone else?"

"Just Dustin," I replied and Chloe gave us a stressed look. Just then there was a know at her back door.

"Shit, I'm sorry, but you two need to go," Chloe said in a rush. She stood up and pushed us out her front door. Frankie and I looked in her front window as she rushed to her back door and opened it. Dustin stormed in looking pissed.

"We should go," said Frankie as he started to walk away. I continued to look for awhile longer and saw Chloe say something like "what's wrong", but Dustin's back was to me so I couldn't see a reply. I backed away from the window and joined Frankie who was already at the corner.

"What do you wanna do today," I asked.

"You," he said smirking and I pushed him as hard as I could. He rebounded and pulled me close to him.


It was about two weeks later and I was at the doctor's with my mother and Frankie. The doctor examined my arm and decided that my cast could come off. He pulled out a powered saw and chopped the thing off, which was extremely scary. "You're all set," the doctor said. "Just be careful, especially when you dancing that you don't hit it too hard."

Frankie and I decided to go to a near by park alone. We were sitting on the swings in the freezing cold December weather when Frankie took something out of his pocket. "Here," he said holding out a small box. I opened it and found a beautiful pair of real diamond dance earrings (which are basically giant studs). "For our two week anniversary."

"Babe, you didn't have to do this." I got up off my swing and he followed. I have him a big kiss as an extra thank you for the gift. "I feel bad that I didn't get you anything," I said when we pulled away.

"Your enough." I smiled at his super cheesy line and hugged him. I noticed a few children making faces at us. I tapped him and nodded in their direction. He put one hand of my waist and took my hand in the other, while I rested my hand on his shoulder. We slow danced and did anything to make the kids gag.

We both laughed at what idiots we were being, then sat back on the swings and Frankie said, "Winter break is coming up, you know."


"I don't have much family in Chicago so I'm not gonna be here."

"That's fine," I said although I was upset I wouldn't see him for two weeks. We both sat there silently, not knowing how to continue the conversation. About a minuet passed and Frankie stood up and grabbed my hand. "What are you doing," I asked.

"Not starving to death," he said as he began walking.

The next day was Saturday, and Chloe and I went to the mall. "I have to get your Christmas gift," Chloe announced. "I'll meet you at the food court in an hour." She took off.

I walked into Abercrombie & Fitch looking for something for the boys because I knew both Dustin and Frankie shopped there. I bought Dustin a plaid collared shirt and a pair of jeans. I bought Frankie a sweatshirt, which I planned on taking, a bottle of cologne, and a tee-shirt. Afterwards, I went to Forever 21 for Chloe. I got her a few shirts and dress. Then I met Chloe in the food court.

"What'd you get the boys," she asked.

"Just shirts and things," I replied.

"Nothing special for Frankie," she said hitting me with her elbow and going eh, eh.


"Do you see Cinnabon?"

"Over there," I said pointing. After we ate, Chloe and I took an Uber to her house to drop off our thing. We then met Frankie at his house and proceeded to Dustin's.

"Do you think his mom will let us in even though he's grounded," Chloe asked.

"I guess we'll find out," I said as Frankie knocked on Dustin's door.

His mother answered with a friendly, "Hello Chloe, Faye." Frankie introduced himself.

"Is Dustin home," I asked feeling like a child.

"Yes, but he's grounded."

"Really we had no idea," Chloe responded, although he's only told us a billion times when he wasn't supposed to be texting us.

"He'll see you three after break when his suspension from school is over," Dustin's mom said closing the door right in our faces. This called for plan B. I texted Dustin and before we knew it he was climbing down the side of his house with a ladder.

"She's going to notice you're missing," I told him once he was safely on the ground and we started walking to the movies.

"She thinks I'm sick," he told us. "I think she'd rather move than get sick."

"It's been a long time since we've seen you," Chloe told Dustin.

"But what about," Dustin stopped and I noticed Chloe slightly tap him. "I know."

"What time does the movie start," I asked Frankie.

"I think six thirty," he replied.

"Oh good we've got," I said looking at my phone. "Shit, fifteen minuets!" We still had twenty blocks to walk. We all panicked and started running like crazy people. Luckily, we made it with a few minuets to spare.

We took our seats in the theater for Ghost Whispers, which was a new scary movie at the time. We sat staring with Chloe on one end, then Dustin, me , and Frankie on the other end. Once the room got dark I grabbed Frankie's hand because I knew I would get scared. I heard Dustin sigh, loudly. Chloe followed by nudging him and whispering something in his ear.

After the movies Frankie and I went back to his house and Chloe and Dustin went back to theirs.

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