Chapter 22

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I watched quietly while Dustin went back to doing his work. After a few minuets the girl pushed back Frankie's hair and he did the same. When his had was at about her ear they both leaned in and kissed. Her arms wrapped around his neck while Frankie's dropped to her waist.

I didn't know what to do so I tapped Dustin and pointed in Frankie's direction. He looked for a moment before he realized who is was. He stood up and quickly made his way over to them. I followed as fast as I could behind him. It was a bad idea to let Dustin see.

Once he was there Dustin pulled Frankie off the girl and punched home straight in the face. The girl, whoever she was (I didn't see her face), ran off. The security guard saw the fight and pulled Dustin and Frankie outside. I followed them.

"What the hell," Dustin screamed at Frankie. "Why would you do such a thing to Faye?"

"I'm pissed okay, she did the same thing to me," Frankie explained.

"You wrong, asshole, I kissed her. It was my fault." Frankie noticed me standing there and his face turned red.

"I didn't know you'd be here," Frankie tried to explain. He came over and hugged me.

"Get off me," I shouted as I pushed him off. "Leave me the fuck alone from now on!"

"I'm sorry, Faye," he continued to explain.

"So was I, and you didn't accept my apology! Now you're on the receiving end. We're through!" Frankie filled with anger and turned around and walked away, but when he reached the street corner he raised a middle finger.

"You alright," Dustin asked hugging me. I buried my face into his chest and I could feel the tears began to stream down my face.

"We left ur stuff inside," I said muffled by his body. "I'll be right back." I pulled away from his hug and went back into the library. I couldn't let him see me cry. I went to the bathroom and finished crying then I grabbed our stuff and met Dustin back outside.

"That was kinda long," he told me.

"Someone put our stuff in the lost and found and I had trouble finding everything."

"Okay," he said taking his stuff and staring at my red and puffy eyes. I turned quickly and began walking down the street. He came up behind me and grabbed my hand. I held it tight and we walked back to my house.

"Do you want me to come in," he asked once we were at my house.

"It's okay, it's getting late anyway," I told him. He hugged me and left.

I went inside and up to my room. I threw my stuff onto my bedroom floor and laid on my bed. I grabbed my phone and texted Chloe.

You got a sec?

What's up...

I found out Frankie was cheating on me and we broke up

OMG I'm so sorry.. I'm kinda busy right now.. Gtg

Bye I guess

"Bitch," I mumbled and threw my phone to the foot of my bed. I buried my face into my pillow and cried, loudly. My mom heard me.

"Sweetheart," she said comfortably as she sat on my bed. I kept my face in my pillow and she stroked my hair. "What's causing you to act like such a baby?"

"Frankie cheated on me," I said muffled by the pillow.

"What," she asked loud and obnoxiously.

"Frankie cheated on me," I yelled raising my head from my pillow and turning around. She looked angry that I shouted, but I think she understood where I was coming from.

"There'll be other guys," she cooed pulling me into a hug.

"I don't want another guy. I-I loved him."

"He didn't respect you if he cheated."

"No shit!"

"Watch it," she hollered. "I know you're upset, but that's not an excuse to yell at your mother." She stood up and went to her room.

I grabbed my shoes and texted Dustin: I'm coming over.

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