Cahpter 11

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Going to dance with a broken arm was torture. I wasn't allowed to do any lifts or jumps. Luckily, Frankie didn't make things any harder by acting weird about what happened on Saturday. After dance we decided to get pizza. We invited Chloe, but she couldn't make it.

"So about what happened," Franke said while we were waiting for our pizza. I looked at him nervously. "What's that like a real kiss, or."

I didn't know how to respond. "I honestly don't know, but why else would I have kissed you."

"I'll be honest I liked it," I smiled slightly. "I just don't know it's the right time."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I was just making out with a girl that already had a boyfriend. I'm still getting over it."

"Well she's a bitch so."

"I get it, but I liked her. Alright," he asked as the pizza arrived.

"Does this mean it meant nothing to you," I asked while I grabbed a slice.

"No. Fuck, Faye I don't wanna talk about it anymore!"

"You brought it up in the first place," I said. After that our conversation became quiet. After dinner Frankie walked me home.

We were at my steps when he asked, "Do you really want to know how I felt about that kiss?" I looked at him shyly and shook my head. He pushed my hair back, leaned in, and kissed me. I kissed back of course. It was a tiny little peck, but it was very sweet. When I opened my eyes, I saw standing behind Frankie a dark outline of a person. The street light turned on and I noticed Dustin staring at us. Frankie noticed me gazing at something and turned around. Dustin did nothing, but turn around and walk away.

"Shit," I said to Frankie. "I'm sorry, but I have to go after him to see what's wrong."

"It's fine," Frankie said disappointed. I gave him a giant hug and ran after Dustin.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I have my reasons to end here. ;)

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