4::: flirty Megan for a girl

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Ohjojoba for the beautiful graphic above^^ ❤️

Beginning authors note pending...


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That's all I got I guess...

Read on,


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"Hey." I finally break the awkward silence as Megan struggles to hold all of her sleepover supplies in my doorway.

"Hi..." She answers and I nod slowly, not sure how to act. She sighs.

"Is it going to be like this the whole time? If so, tell me now so I can leave." Her words come out snappy but her eyes tear up and I shoot into action.

"No, no. If course not Megan."

I step aside and she walks in, dropping her bag and pillow along with a makeup bag the size of a small suitcase.

"Good because, honestly? I don't think I could be friends with someone who got mad at me over some guy."

Wow that got really serious really fast.

I scuff the toe of my sneaker against the hardwood floor making a 'squeak' sound.

"I uh..I understand." I tell her quietly.

I'm caught off guard when her arms go around me and squeeze tightly. I let out a gasp as all the air in my body seems to abandon me.

"Can't-" I gasp out, "Breath-"

She giggles before letting go and stepping back.

"Sorry, Max. I just am so glad we're still friends through this. To be honest I've been dreading this for a long time. I thought you'd turn on my when you found out I'm team Zedd. Not that I'm not team Max! Oh my gosh I'm making it worse..." She rambles and I click my tongue.

"Yeah you kind of are." I tease and she smacks my arm.

"Hey. Behave." She points a finger at me.

"Uh huh...just like you behaved by lying to me!" I yell in a joking manor, letting her know that I'm considering it behind us. After all, her love life should never interfere with our friendship. No matter who or more like what he is. *ahem, Zedd* *ahem, spawn of Satan*.

"A good girl's got to have a bad moment every once in a while, okay?"

I let out a bellowing laugh at that. "A good girl? Oh my frickin gosh Meg. You are so not a good girl." I tell her, still trying to contain my laughter.

She places her index finger on her chin and taps. "You're right...I'm not the good girl, you are." It's her turn to laugh as I grab a pillow from the couch and throw it at her.

"Please. I am not...don't you remember all of the pranks I've played?" I ask and she blows a raspberry at me.

"Uh yeah...I do. They were all on Zedd. Hello! And pranking the same person you happen to hate over and over does not change the fact that you're a teacher kiss up-straight A getting-floral dress wearing-goody two shoes." She finishes and I gasp.

"I do not wear floral dresses! And I hate teachers...they always smell like licorice. Plus, I only get A's in half of my classes."

"Uh yeah...and straight B pluses in the rest!" She exclaims and I glare at her.

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