Its Hard to Start Things Over

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"Please... Lemme make it up to you?" Layne repeated to Mike & Jerry, tears rolling down his thin face. His sloppy dope eyes slunk over to Nicky, who stood there like a deer in headlights. Layne turned back to his friends, sadness overwhelming him to see that they were looking at him like he was an unwanted cockroach. He covered his face & leaned against the wall. He broke down sobbing. "Please...please give me another chance... I can't be alone...please..." He begged them.

Jerry sighed, his head hung low. He walked over to Layne, resting his palm on the man's shoulder. "I love you like a brother," Jerry started, watching Layne as he removed his hand to look at him. Those red, hazy eyes were filled with despair. Jerry couldn't handle witnessing the pain & made himself look down at his converses, running a shaky hand through his long blonde hair. His brow curled with dismay. "I'm going to be honest with you, Layne... I don't know what the fuck to DO anymore with you. I don't know what I could do to get you to stop. You always seem to find a way to manipulate the situation--"

"You're like a borderline motherfucking SOCIOPATH!" Mike spat, stomping over to Layne. He didn't even show any sign of empathy on his outraged face when he took in the distraught look on Layne's. "You lie to everyone. Even your fucking self."

Layne shook his head, leaning his back against the motel wall. His body slid down to the floor as he choked back tears. "I don't mean to lie..." he whimpered.

Mike shook his head, crouching down on his knees to get a good look at Layne. "Yes you fucking do. You do so you can continue to get fucked up on JUNK," he turned and pointed at Nicky. "And what's with this scrawny little BITCH, huh?! She another excuse for you to use?! Is she your new Demri?!"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Nicky screamed, running over to Mike. She smacked him across the face, tears escaping her ocean eyes. "You take that back!"

Mike laughed mockingly back at her. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, little girl. Layne is a fucking NUTCASE."

Suddenly Mike was on the ground, Layne's hands clenched tight around his bronze neck. "HOW DARE YOU BRING THAT SHIT UP YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Layne screamed.

Mike easily wrestled out of Layne's grip & punched him right in his lip, it splitting. Blood spewed all over the wall, making Nicky scream. "I BRING IT UP BECAUSE YOURE TOO PUSSY TO FACE THAT PAIN AND FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!" Mike shouted. He pushed Layne up against the wall and held him up with his blood-drenched hands. "INSTEAD YOU GET YOUR JUNK! Like any other fucking loser."

Layne laughed hysterically, "what about you, Mary POPPINS?!"  He screamed at him.  He kneed Mike in his groin, causing the brunette to grumble in pain and stumble to the floor. Layne reached into Mike's jacket pocket & pulled out the orange prescription bottle. He shook it infront of Mike's beat-red face. "What PAIN are you stuffing away, hey?! You make it out like I'm this big old HORRIBLE drug addict... Meanwhile, behind the scenes, you pop this SHIT LIKE CANDY!!!" Layne stomped over to the restroom, ignoring Nicky's shrieks at him to chill out. Mike came running after him, but it was too late. The pills were flushed.

"YOU FUCK!!! What the FUCK!" Mike screamed in the restroom, glaring Layne up and down.

Layne smiled deviously, the blood from his bursted lip dripping all over his bare skin. "What, you're not an ADDICT, are you, Mike?!" Layne mocked, laughing evilly. His eyes widened in sudden terror when he saw Mike stumble over to his backpack.

Mike turned to him, holding up the baggies of meth & heroin. "Yeah...? You guys just couldn't SLEEP last night," he turned to Nicky, eyeing her like she was a pile of shit, "right, you little skeleton? You just couldn't sweeeeeep."

Layne ran over to Mike, hands clenched in fists. He eyed him down, murder on his mind. "Don't touch my SHIT, you're NOT my friend."

Mike turned to Jerry, who just stood there, tears running down his face. "Come on, Jerry, lets fucking LEAVE!" Mike demanded, dropping the bags of dope & immediately stomping out the door. He slammed it violently behind him.

Jerry shook his head, eyeing Layne. "Oh my fucking god..." Jerry muttered, rubbing his temples.

Layne fell to the floor, bawling. Nicky ran to the restroom, coming back out with a wet towel. She dabbed his bleeding lip, tears streaming down her face. Layne glared up at Jerry, who just stood there, his eyes seeming to plead at him.

"Well, aren't you going to ditch on me like everyone else in my life?" Layne muttered to Jerry, his voice weak & sad.

Jerry shook his head, running into the restroom & bringing another wet towel over. He started wiping the blood off of Layne's scrawny torso. "I'm not giving up on you, L," he said, holding back his tears. "You're still moving in with me, right? If so...I could try to help you out there... I know now that rehab doesn't work for you and that's okay... I think you just need friends and family, L. You've been alienating yourself for too long."

Layne broke down bawling again, resting his arm on Jerry's shoulder. "I'm so sorry," he wheezed, "I don't know why I can't stay fucking sober... I just...I can't Jerry I can't stand these thoughts, these feelings..."

Jerry shook his head & smiled sadly at Layne. "I know why you can't, Layne. And I can help you," he glanced over at Nicky, who nervously looked back at him. "I can help you, too, Nicky... I mean, you're my best friend's girl, right?"

Layne softly smiled up at Nicky, nodding at her. "She's my girl. Yeah, she has problems like me... Actually, Nicky, you're the first person I've met that actually shares the same traits I do..."

Nicky sighed with relief, tears still rolling down her face. "So I'm not your 'Bitch' to use as an excuse to get high...?"

Jerry laughed & shook his head at her. "Mike was just frustrated with Layne. The two of them fight like a freaking old married couple."

Layne grinned, slowly getting up with the help of Nicky & Jerry. "So...we heading over to your place...?" He asked Jerry.

Jerry nodded, turning to Nicky & noticing the worried look on her face. "Don't worry, Nicky. Mike drove himself here, he probably drove off back to his place--"

"More like to his fucking drug dealer's," Layne spat.

Jerry rolled his eyes. "Come on, Layne, ENOUGH." He eyed the baggies of meth & H on the ground, turning back to Layne who had his eyes on them. "You know, I'm going to have to flush those down the toilet, right?"

More tears rolled down Layne's face as he glared back up at Jerry. "Can't...can't we keep a little?"

Jerry glared over at Nicky. "Take Layne to my's the red dodge," he handed her the key. "I'll get your guys' stuff, okay?"

She nodded & headed out the door.

Jerry sighed, hands on his hips, staring at the bags of drugs.

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