Chapter 1- Fired.

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Minso's P.O.V

(You can picture yourself as Minso)

"What do you mean fired!?" I shout. How could I be fired? I'm the best worker at the restaurant!

"I mean F.I.R.E.D FIRED!" He screams pointing to the door in fury.

"Please, sir. This is my only job and I don't understand why in being fired, please please tell me why!" The words escape my mouth with such passion and emotion.

"Was it not you that told a table of 7 to leave without paying?! Isn't it?!" He didn't give me time to answer. So he went on saying "you're a disgrace to the restaurant and I don't want you working here! That table would've gotten me a lot of money!"

Wait what? That so wasn't me! Yeah I took their orders and got them their food but who... I look behind me and see Chimin, oh god that girl! My anger takes over as I yank the apron off of myself.

"CHIMIN WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! HOW LOW CAN YOU GET?!" I scream in Chimins face as I get pulled back by the boss. Chimin starts laughing and walking away. "Don't you see it? It wasn't me it was Chimin! STOP SIR PLEASE!" I cry.

"Goodbye Minso I hope to never see you here again!" The words spoken stab my heart. I walk away crying and close the door behind me...

That's it. My heart has been shattered into a million tiny pieces. I start sobbing on my floor clenching my knees and wanting to just vanish, how am I going to feed myself and my sick mother now? I've ruined everything for my family and I've only been working 3 hours so far today. It's currently 11am so I get out my phone and call my mum. Five seconds after calling her I hang up. I wouldn't want for her to get upset! I sign as tears uncontrollably run down my bright red face. How could I have been so stupid?


Hi! Thanks for reading this short chapter of my first ever fanfic!

She got fired! ;(

I'll be soon writing another chapter on Taehyungs point of view! I'm sure this won't get much reads but that's ok it's fun to write!

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