Chapter 10- Bitter sweet.

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Minso's P.O.V

Who does he think he is trying to stop me? Wait. Why was he in there anyway. I stop and think for a moment then charge in and open my locker. To my surprise there's some flowers and a card followed by some chocolate.

I suddenly smile. Someone got this for me?

All of a sudden someone pulls me from the shoulder pointing to a huge stage and wide screen tv the size of all the sides of my bedroom wall combined.

I stare confused.

Ginger walks up on the stage with Sunny and Miranda following.

"Oh my god!" Ginger says shaking her head.

"She actually came to school! She's just asking for it isn't she?" She adds.

Asking for what? I come to school everyday.

"Yeah Ginger! Play it." Sunny shouts pointing at me.

"Alright. I will!" She says moving her hips violently with every step.

She gets out a remote and shouts "LOSER!" To me as she presses a huge red button.

"Hi V!"

"Oh yeah! When will I be work-"

"You won't be."

"W-what do you mean."

"I mean... I don't want you to be my manager anymore..."


I hear my voice. And Taehyungs voice.

This was him. He hates me that much? He planned this! I know it! He can't get away with this.

I hear laughter all around me. Suddenly I feel something crack on my hair.

I lift my hand to feel what it could be.


Everyone starts throwing eggs at me laughing. It's followed by flour and in a moment I was on the floor with tears filling my eyes.

I can't let them think this of me. I can't let them think I'm weak. Everything becomes blurry and laughter turns into shouts. My legs are getting weak.

I'm about to faint aren't I? No I'm not going to let that happen.

I see a boy in the far distance picking up a chair.

"You're dead!" I hear.

He swings the chair and let's go of it. I watch it coming towards me when I put my hands on my head for defence.

All of a sudden something grabs me I shut my eyes as I get lifted and a blasts of at hits me almost like I'm flying.

I open my eyes and see myself lying on some grass. I get up and sit down. When I see someone. With brown hair. A bit of green on the ends of his fringe.


"What happened?" I say rubbing my head as my sight and hearing comes back as well as the feeling of my legs.

"I saved you. I told you not to go in"

"B-but why?" I ask baffled.

"Why did I save you? Or why did I tell you not to go in." He sighs and starts smacking his blazer because of all the flour I got on him.

"I know why you told me not to go in! Tell me why you'd save me from something you planned!" I shout.

"I didn't plan anything. I saved you... Because you're kind. That's a very rare thing... Finding someone kind."

What'd he mean 'kind'.

Maybe I mistook Taehyung.

"Sorry. And thank you for helping me." I say while slowly bringing up a smile.

"Alright see you at work" he says walking off.

Work? Yes! But... This isn't over. My school life is going to be hell from now on. I can just tell!

Hi! Ooh the drama. Thanks for reading next chap is a special chap!💞

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