Chapter 18- Hyejin

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"What Taehyung? You really thought I was gone for good?" Her snarling voice makes me want to turn back.

"Enough of this sit down." The teacher scolds me.

I walk over to Minso still in shock.

"You know her?" Minso asks me confused.

"You know her?!" I ask back.

Wait they couldn't possible know each other.

"Well no I spoke to her for a few seconds before class but nothing else." She answers shrugging.

"Anyway what's more important is, why didn't you call me?!" She says with a laugh nudging me.

"Call you? You were expecting a call from Taehyung?" Says the 'new girl'.

Everyone starts to laugh.

"Well she's my manager. Obviously she'll want a call from me, she's a better manager than you ever were, times 10." I blurt out loudly enough for the teacher to hear.

Minsos P.O.V

"Well she's my manager. Obviously she'll want a call from me, she's a better manager than you  ever were, times 10." Taehyungs says.


She was a manager? Even worse she was Taehyungs manager?

I guess this is how they know each other.

"Kim Taehyung get out!" Shouts Mr Seokjin.

"Give me a break, I think we know who started this." Says Taehyung, surprising taking risks. Nothing like him at all.

"Mr Kim Taehyung get out before I call the Head!" Says Mr Seokjin running out of patience.

"Just go." I whisper nudging Taehyung.

"That's right get out." Adds Hyejin flipping her hair... Once again.

Taehyung walks out quietly with his belongings.

"Right... now what did the 1920s bring for...blah blah blah" Mr Seokjin carries on with his lesson annoyed.


Finally it's the end of the day. Time to get home quickly so I can take a long, well deserved nap.

"Oi you!" I hear a familiar voice.

I turn to see... Oh shit, just walk on, walk on.

I turn back around slyly, pretending as if I didn't hear or see anything.

"Oi I'm talking to you." She informs me.

"Alright I get why you want to avoid me." She says and I stop hearing the tapping of her heels.

I turn around sympathetically.

"Ugh sorry I'm just tired." I say then realise how dumb that excuse was.

"Whatever, I just wanted to ask you if you're sure it's worth it, being Taehyungs manager." She says with a sigh.

"Erm what d'ya mean?" I ask baffled.

"Don't play dumb we all know what the condition was to being his manager, why'd you think we get such a high payment for being the manager of a brat?" She says with a casual eyebrow lift.

"Well he is rich." I say looking around waiting for this conversation to end. We were both on either end of the corridors, but no one was anywhere to be seen.

"Haha you're funny, stop playing dumb and let's talk properly nobody's here, I don't know why you're pretending to be doing this because you 'needed a job'" she says, and well I was looking for a job so I could have money in the first place.

Something is weirdly off about this girl so why don't I just play along and find out what's happening. Let's just not think about what'll happen if I get things wrong.

"Ugh fine." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"I knew it, it wasn't just me was it?!" She says with a smile.

"Nope... Me too..." I say with a sigh.

"I still feel like I'm the worst victim. I treated him badly, yeah I admit it, but being his manager had great pay but it wasn't worth risking my life." She says coming closer to me by each word.

Now, I needed to find out more, but without being obvious.

"Wait we might've been though different situations tell me more about yours." I say walking closer to her.

"Well, his dad as you know is a drug dealer right?" She says without hesitation.

The words hit me like a truck.

Drug dealer? Are you kidding me? No Kim Taehyung, no!


AAAHHHHH! Sorry if the drama is just too drama-ish haha thanks for reading and thanks for 600+ reads bbyss❤️ily

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