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Don't bother trying to find love and romance while young. And by young, I mean high school or younger. It may be pessimistic to say that it won't last...but it won't last. Rarely do highschool sweethearts end up together and have a long marriage. Besides, in high school or middle school--you really just aren't mature enough for anything serious. You don't know how to have a relationship unless its selfish--your love is selfish. It's all "I love you because you make me happy." That's not real love--but sadly that's how people do it these days. In high school or whatever, you also tend to make your world that one person. You alienate your friends and family--you isolate yourself. Why? Because your only focus--or major focus--is some boy or girl.

The best thing to do is just to make friends. Make tons of friends.

You shouldn't need a significant other to give you purpose in life. You shouldn't need a significant other to make you happy, to validate you, to rid you of your insecurities.


Really, best advice I ever got.

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