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Be silly. Be honest. Be kind. --Ralph Waldo Emerson


Not to cancel out what I said in my last post about how people should constantly mature...trust me, this won't contradict that statement. It's okay to be silly sometimes. Maturity doesn't mean strictly seriousness. You don't have to lose your sense of humor or passion for fun to be mature. If anything, it's the people who constantly call out others on their immaturity (you're so immature, you should be more mature, that is so immature) for the stupidest things that are the real immature ones. Confidence is a part of maturity, I believe. If you are confident enough in your own maturity level, without constantly being worried if others think you're mature or if you appear mature--then you're pretty mature. (Is there a synonym for mature? Because I feel like I'm repeating myself)

Being silly is completely okay. You should know the difference between fun silliness and annoying immaturity. Most of us realize where that line is.

As for being honest and being kind--those speak for themselves, don't they?

☺happy words☺Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora