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If you measure your beauty and worth by the surface of your skin: you will never be beautiful.


I hate how truth becomes cliche. "Beauty is only skin deep" has become cliche and overused--but it still is somewhat true. I say somewhat because true beauty is strongest when it comes from within. A beautiful person doesn't have a pretty face, they have a pretty soul.

Self-consciousness (in extremes, aka low-self esteem) is not instinctual. It's a learned trait. And the media likes to point fingers at who taught it to the generations--but who taught it doesn't matter. Focusing on who/what taught you to dislike yourself is a waste of time and doesn't help you to accept yourself. Because the thing is, it's not society or Barbie dolls or that kid who called you fat in fourth grade--it's just everyone. It's passed down and will continue to be passed down. To stop it we, as a generation, must learn to accept and even love ourselves. Because we're the next teachers. And even if we don't intentionally mean to pass low self-esteem on, we do it through example. The younger generations see how we hate ourselves, and they see how we are concerned with superficial things--and their own self-opinion is ruined.

Now I've gotten off on a tangent...

Point is, you need to stop worrying about outward beauty. Outward beauty doesn't last--it's so, so, fleeting. Skin sags, skin gets lumps and spots, weight is gained in old age. Your looks don't last. If they're all you rely upon: then you don't have much to rely on. And if you think that you have to be outwardly attractive in order for someone to love you: you will never feel loved. Ever. To feel completely loved, and to gain true happiness from it--you have to find someone who will love you despite how your teeth is crooked and despite how you think your nose is too big. That person will love you for who you are, not for what you look like.

You should care more about who you are. Care more about your personality and character.

Kindness is the most beautiful thing anyone could ever have.

Celebrities and people who are "loved" for their pleasant faces aren't any happier than anyone else. The "love" they reason is artificial. Aestheticism doesn't equal happiness. Those celebs are just as lonely and unfulfilled as anyone else who is empty because they don't fill themselves with virtues.

Not everyone is outwardly beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because who I think is beautiful may not be who you think is beautiful--and vice versa.

Don't be someone who doesn't care if their personality or heart is appreciated--but only wants their face to be.

Be someone who is incredibly attractive because they are kind and honest and loyal and classy--someone who's magnetic because of who they are and not what they look like.

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