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Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a commitment. It is a choice to show mercy, not to hold the offence up against the offender. Forgiveness is an expression of love. --Gary Chapman


I know I post a ton about forgiveness, but that's always been my biggest thing...it's something I've always struggled so much with. I would never be the type to hold a grudge--except I'm exactly the type to hold a grudge. I try hard to forgive, but sometimes I just get confused on whether or not true forgiveness equates to never cutting people out. Is it okay for me to cut out toxic people? Or is that not true forgiveness? From what I've learned through experience, it feels like a little bit of forgiveness and a little bit of a grudge. Perhaps that's just me--I keep thinking to a specific incident where a close friend did something really bad--which turned into a fight--and then I cut them out. Yes, I've forgiven her. Yes, I'm so much happier without her. But is it holding a grudge because I will never accept her back into my life again? I'm not sure.
Everything is a new lesson, and there's always something to learn so you can mature. Humans are evolving animals--we tend to get wiser with each year (of course, this isn't a guarantee). Of course, there are absolute truths. One is that forgiveness is always better, no matter how hard.

☺happy words☺जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें