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It doesn't matter how dark the storm cloud is, there's always a silver lining. Always.


I haven't updated this book in a very long time, because I haven't felt happy and I never knew what to say to you. I've gone in and out of emotions, I go through happiness/sadness like using tissues. If that makes sense. And I'm sorry, I owed it to you guys to update and spread smiles and make you feel okay because you deserve it. I'm sorry I stopped updating, because maybe somebody needed the daily uplifting message. Truth is, I needed the daily uplifting message. Forcing myself to think positive tricked my mis-wired mind into not being so bipolar. I have a sense of peace, but I'm not happy at the moment. I'm terribly stressed, but even though I feel so crushed I can't seem to shake the idea that there is hope. I know there is hope, I've seen it.
There's always a silver lining. Maybe it's true that what goes up must come down, but nothing says that what goes down can't go up again.

I'm not sure if I should stop this book here or continue. I think I'll go for 200/100 chapters, but I might just stop here. Has this book reached it's end? I'm not certain. I'll have to think about it. 

But I think it'll be good for the both of us to read and write positive...happy words.

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