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You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it.



Back in the fall 2015 semester, I was in a English class with a girl who lived and breathed "hippie." This is not an insult, but she fell into the 1970s stereotype of long hair, flowers, 70s hippie styled clothes, Earth Science major, environmentalist, anti-war activist, vegan...I'm not against any of these things.

But our class had read an article about veterans, and how 22 veterans a day commit suicide. This fact shocked me, and broke my heart. I have always supported the military, the police force, firefighters, paramedics, etc...(although I do understand that brutality and injustice exist in each area, obviously) My grandfather is a Marine, my uncle is in the Army, my cousins are in the Navy, and my other uncle was in the Air Force. I have had friends and family members who have served and have been injured or died protecting their country. Needless to say, I love our soldiers.

There were other articles, about veterans and poverty, and how the government does so little for those who sacrifice so much.

Well, this girl made the comment that we shouldn't treat veterans with anything special. "They're no different than anyone else, they haven't done anything good--all they do is kill people." The room was silent at the sheer...wowness of this statement. Hippie-girl continues, "Technically veterans shouldn't exist, because war shouldn't exist. Anyway, most veterans I know are just cruel people."

I was so angry at the stupidity of this statement. Veterans have done nothing? Yeah, except give their lives for you--they have lost their friends (fellow soldiers) and made such sacrifices so you can sit there and say they've done nothing but kill a bunch of people. It has always disturbed me how some people will stomp on the American flag, or badmouth veterans--while having all the luxuries and benefits of this free country. No, America isn't perfect. But please, go try out another country and see how you like it. Go try out one of the countries we've fought in--see how you like it.

My first instinct is immediately to lash out with my words--or even slap her, because I sure was close--but instead I just shook my head while other people disagreed. I realized that I might never change her opinion, and she is entitled to one, but the only thing I could change was how I reacted. So instead of lashing out in my anger at the hurtfulness and privileged idiocy of her comment, I decided not to pick a fight.

Point is, choose your battles. Also, with tomorrow being July 4th, please be considerate of what that really means.

And about fireworks...be aware of your surrounding neighbors. If there is a combat veteran in your area, who may have PTSD, then please think before blasting off explosives.

Happy 4th!

☺happy words☺Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang