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( curled together)
One day, after a particularly rough fight with a hollow, ichigo was refusing to relax. Hitting pissed off, you pushed him against the bed and curled against him." Lay down will ya!" You growled. He heaved a sigh before curling against you." Fine..."


( him laying down and you on top of him)
He stormed into your room, pissed off because byakuya's girl had told him off. You listened to his complaining before pulling him down onto the bed mat. You lay on top of him, his chest your pillow." Shuddup a day go to sleep..." You grumbled, curling against him. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.


( curled up in his arms)
Every day when you went to the tree that you met him at he would hold you. You would stand there, curled in his arms as he pet the top of your head. You usually got a kiss on the forehead or cheek.


( head resting on his shoulder)
The two of you would be sitting on the sofa and you would just tilt your head on his shoulder. Sometimes he would wrap his arms around you but he would always rest his head on yours.


( baby cradle)
Anytime during the day that you could curl up in his arms, you would, And he would hold you for as long as he could, petting your back and whispering sweet nothings to you.


( leaning against his chest)
He would be spilling his secrets to you when he would just reach out and pull you close, holding you tightly.


( cling)
It had been a rather slow day. Your sister and Hiyori were off somewhere and all of your friends were with one of the visords. You were half asleep when shinji pulled you into his arms." Such a boring day, huh my angel?" He asked as you wrapped your arms around him." Very..." You grumbled. He gave a small chuckle as he held you as close as possible." Well, at least we can cuddle!" He chirped, making you smile." That is true..." You mumbled, snuggling into his arms. The two of you spent the rest of the day like that.


( climg+ kisses)
He'll hold you in a way that he'll be able to reach your neck or face, even your chest sometimes, and he'll kiss you all over.


(' we're not cuddling she's just sitting in my lap with my arms around her.')
... Baby is in denial...


(Meditating in his lap)
If your not fighting he'll insist in you sitting in his lap and meditating. He loves it when you fall asleep because then he has a reason to carry you, and yes, he knows that sometimes you fake falling asleep just to make him happy.


( handsie)
Watch his hands... Unless you want that?


( cradle with gentle petting)
He'll hold you like the child he believes you are and gently pet your face or back.


( cling )
When she wants she gets them and there is no escape...

(Closed/Old)Bleach boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now