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(Crurophilia - Legs )
You wore a miniskirt one day and Ichigo had a hard time not staring. When he finally got you alone in his room, he awkwardly asked if he could touch your legs. You giggled with a yes. He crouched by the side of the bed and began to softly pet your legs. He even dared to kiss your thigh. Before things got to heated, his father screamed," DONT FORGET TO USE PROTECTION!!!" His cheeks turned bright red as he quickly retracted his hands, shouting ' DAD '.


(Odaxelagnia - Biting/being bitten)
He got kinda frisky during a make out and bit your neck, earning a delighted noise from you before you bit his earlobe. You could definitely feel his erection against your leg...


(Ablutophilia - Baths or showers)
He invited you to skinny dip in the hot spring in the courtyard of his home. When you got there he was already wrapped in nothing but a towel. He gave you his heart melting smile, helping you strip down to nothing before leading you to the hot spring. The two of you relaxed in the water, you leaning against his shoulder. After a bit he coaxed you into his lap, you gave off a giggle when you felt his erection. He never made a move to initiate anything so you didn't either. You never found out, but he was testing how casual you would be toward it... You proved his expectations wrong and he liked that casual nudity was something you were ok with.


(Psychrocism - Cold/ice )
Your very sensitive to cold and he loves to watch you react. A little to much... It isn't rare for him to take an ice cube and make it drip onto your chest... You usually let it happen since you know what it does for him.


You had just absolutely gutted a human and were covered in blood. He smirked at you, taking you to his room he pinned you to the wall." You look great in red~" he growled, kissing you roughly. He ground against your leg, revealing the erection hidden in his baggy pants.


(Vincilagnia - Being tied up)
You wouldn't expect it but he does. He brought it up with such a casual air that you had to second guess if he was serious, but when he convinced you that he was serous, all you did was smirk.


(Acrophilia - High places)
The two of you were walking high in the sky when he pulled you against him, a smirk on his lips. You chuckled when you felt his erection." Is it the hight or me?" You questioned." Can I answer both?" He chuckled, kissing behind your ear.


(Claustrophilia - Being confined in a small space )
Wonderweiss had a little cubbyhole he would always hide in. One day he pulled you in with him and started to kiss you. It was obvious he was horny but he would never push against the boundary you had placed, make outs were good enough for him.


(Agrexophilia - Excitement from knowing that others are aware of a persons sexual activities+ master/pet/slave)
Tesla ain't a fucking idiot! He knew what nnoitra and you were up to and he wasn't afraid to spy( his gf too) and you knew very well what this did to nnoitra. You did have to give him a lot of bg's because of it but he gave you head right back so... What's the harm?


(Sadism - Dominating/mistreating/humiliating one's partner)
Is this really a surprise? Though, in a sexual context, there is a point where he stops. His favorite thing is spanking but biting and pinching are close seconds. 


(Tripsolagnophilia - Massage)
He had sweetly asked for a massage and, you being the lovely girlfriend you are, started to massage his shoulders. A few seconds in, he started making little noises, biting his lip. You moved a bit so you could see over his shoulder. His erection was pretty obvious." That looks uncomfortable, pinky." You said dully." It really is, pussy cat." He groaned." How about you take care of that while I continue the massage huh?" You ask, kissing his neck. He blushed, actually blushed, while pushing down his pants. You smirked as he started to pump himself. Needless to say, you both had fun.


(Acousticophilia - Aroused by specific sounds )
You had learned a few sounds that made him react like that. Most of them were actually noises you made, from your laugh to the little groans you made when he kisses you roughly, sometimes just your voice did it. One day in particular, you were purring, on purpose, to try and turn him on... It worked, and you wound up pinned to the wall of his bedroom as he kissed you harshly, pulling those other noises out of you. He got even more when he moved his lips south.


(Claustrophilia - Being confined in a small space)
Rukia, as we all know, lived in a closet for a while. Ever since then, she would always try to coax you to join here. One day you did and she was blushing like mad. You pulled her into a hug, her crotch rubbing against your leg, revealing how 'warm' she was. You giggled." So confined spaces huh?" She blushed like mad and it only grew darker when you kissed her.


(Aphephilia - Being touched)
He is part dog and most dogs like to be petted. His favorite spots are behind his ears and the back of his neck and it always earns you a bit of fun time with him.

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