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How you meet

You nice little cafe and even worked as a waitress to meet new people. Chad had been a regular customer ever since he moved Karakura town and had grown a deep friendship with you.

He/she falls in love

He was fighting a hollow not to far away from your shop when you came running up. He tried to get you to run away... Until you revealed that you were like him, your arms were just opposite. The two of you worked together to defeat the hollow, much to the amazement of his friends. The final attack on the hollow came from a powerful kick after Chad had thrown you at it. As the hollow disappeared, you fell to the ground. Chad caught you and set you carefully onto the ground." Are you alright (y/n)?" He asked as you teetered a small bit." Yeah I'm ok, just haven't used those powers in a while." You said with a chuckle." Hay Chad! How about you and your friends come and join me at my cafe! Lunch is on the house!" You said in a happy tone, leaning against Chad as he lead you and his friends to your cafe.
'No wonder I love her...' Was his only thought as he watched you prepare all of there favorite foods.

Start dating

One day while you were chatting with Chad when he suddenly said, " (y/n(, if I don't tell you now I might never be able to." You looked up at him." What is it?" You asked with a sweet tone." I love you (y/n)." You smiled at him." Love you too, Chad."


You may own cafe, but that doesn't mean you don't go to school. You also suffer from horrible bullying. Chad was worried about you because you had closed the cafe when he knew you weren't sick. When he walked in to see you crying in a pile of blankets. He walked up, scooped you into his arms and layer back into the pile of blankets holding you close." Thanks Chad..." Was your sleepy whisper.


He: not really one for nicknames but he has started calling you cute. Just cute.
You: Chad, love, dear, darling

First fight

You don't fight, you get hurt. While fighting a hollow, you got really hurt. Now you were uncontiouse in your bed with Chad, ichigo, Uryu, rukia, and all their girlfriends waiting for you to wake up.

Makeup/first kiss

You woke up to find Chad asleep with his head resting on the bed. A gently kiss to his forehead woke him up, and as soon as his eyes met yours he pressed a kiss to your lips.

How they kiss

Gentle, last forever, and oh so warm.


Overly gentle, just babying. He also likes a tiny bit of body worship and massage.

He just told you... He can be pretty straight forward about these types of things. Lucky for him, your pretty strong and can actually get his muscles to submit.


He was spending the night with you and you were feeling a little frisky. You snuck up behind the shirtless Chad and started to massage his back. His reaction was immediate. A deep groan escaped his lips as you continued to massage his stiff muscles.

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