First fight

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He didn't know when to stop. He would always push himself way past his limit, and it worried you. But when you tried to get him to take even a single day off, he got pissed. He actually yelled at you, even kon was surprised. You ran off, scared and hurt, memories of an abusive ex beating you swirling in your head. Kon, who had been standing on your shoulder came along for the ride. Ichigo tried to fallow you but ( rgn) held him back." The actual fuck do you think your doing!?" She yelled, shoving him." Yellen at her like that! Do you not know what her ex did to her!!!?" She screamed before he could say anything. She preceded to give him a detailed description of just what he did. By the end of it, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands as he desperately thought of a way to apologize.


You had gotten hurt on a mission. He yelled at you for being careless and getting yourself hurt. You stared at him blankly before walking off." If your not going to HELP me than go away." You then basically dragged yourself to the 4th devision. 


He was breaking up with you because he was starting to forget his previous love. You gave a silent nod before walking away." I hope we can still be friends." You said, your voice cracking slightly as a tears escaped your eyes." See you at work... Kuchiki." You said, the word falling from your lips as your heart split in two for the second time in your life. He winced at the way you said his last name. He watched with pain written on his face as you walked away. Once you were gone, he walked home. After the first day without he he realized what he had done... By the third, he couldn't take it any longer. He speed walked to your mansion. ( your royalty)


You don't know why he's mad, but he is. You back away fearfully as he screams. You go running when he lifts his hand. He realizes what he did when you opened a fire portal and step through, leaving him no way to fallow you. He walked back inside, slumping onto the couch, placing his face in his hands." What have I done..." He whispered...


He hurt you, it was on accident, but you were still scared... You ran away from los noches, your sisters close behind you.


He randomly started accusing you of betraying him. Your cheeks turned red as anger filled you, smacking him across his face, you stomped off." Learn how to trust me because I trust you." You said bluntly., leaving los noches with your sisters.


Don't know why but he was pissed and said something he shouldn't have. Your sister kicked him between the legs before grabbing your arm and dragging you away as you bawled your eyes out. Needless to say, Hiyori, who was dating your sister, was NOT happy. She pretty much spilled the beans about how your mother had treated the two of you. He sat in an emo corner for the rest of the day, trying to figure out how to make it up to you... Without being murdered by your sister...


He didn't think you loved him because you had never spoken to him... He told you to stop faking it and go away, he actually attacked you... You fled to your sisters, and you all left los noches.


He had disrespected you to the point that you couldn't take it anymore." Either learn how to treat a woman or BEGON!" You yelled, flash stepping somewhere far away.


He took a fight to far, it lead to your brother grabbing you and flash stepping away.


He had said something a little too perverted, and it kind of disgusted you... You walked away leaving him covering his mouth and regretting every word...


He jumps to conclusions easily and well... You wouldn't think it, but he's the jealous type... Yeah... You had to get out of there, along with your sisters.


She wasn't happy about you yelling at ichigo, so she yelled at you... Yeah... Logic...

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