Make up/first kiss

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You came back after the memories had subsided. He immediately pulled you into his arms." I'm so so sorry." He whispered, holding you tightly. You clung to him." It's ok..." You whispered back. After a bit of just holding you, he tilted your head up to kiss you softly. The two of you kissed ever so softly, one kiss barely ending before a new one began. After a bit he pulled you closer." I love you..." He whispered." Love you too..."


He came to see you at the fourth devision. He sat silently beside you for a bit before you asked," can you get me some tea?" He nodded silently, going and getting you some tea. Once you finished it, you looked at him." Thank you for helping..." You mumbled. He gave you a small smile, pecking your lips." Sorry for yelling at you." He mumbled, glancing away while blushing. You pulled him back to you, kissing him again." Your forgiven." You said with a giggle.


He found you in your garden, tending to your bluebells. You gave him a soft smile before turning to go inside." Come in." You said a sickly sweet tone masking your pain rather poorly. Once inside, you offered him some tea, which he took." This place is strangely empty for such a large place." He pointed out, duly." The servants have the month off, I'm an only child, and my parents died years ago." You said, sitting down with a great deal of space between the two of you. He heaved a sigh as he sipped at his tea." I regret what I said..." He said, looking at you. You stared at the wall at the far side of the room." I know what it feels like... To loose the one you love, and I'm not talking about my parents... That's a different pain all together." You said as you set down your tea, standing up and walking to the door that lead to the corridor." Fallow me, there is something I wish for you to see." You said, waiting for him to stand. He set down his cup, fallowing you through the winding halls of your home. After a bit, you came to a room full of photographs. Some hung from colorful strings attached to the ceiling other's were glued to the wall. But on the largest wall was a portrait of you made out of smaller pictures of your favorite things." He made that for me..." You said before moving over to a little closet. Opening it showed a shrine to your, now deceased, husband." And in return I painted this for him." You said, motioning toward the perfectly painted portrait of a smiling young man." One day, we went on a mission to kill a large group of hollows in the human word... One of them had the power to turn other people into hollows... I was forced to kill him..." You said, turning away from the portrait. Byakuya studied the painting." You are a talented artist." he said as you walked to the door. He took a second to close the shrine before fallowing after you. You lead him to a art studio. A few old paintings hung on the walls, many blank canvases lay stacked in piles." I hadn't stepped into this room, let alone lifted a paintbrush since that day..." You said, walking to an easel that was faced away from the two of you." At least until I found a new muse." You continued, looking at the painting. Byakuya walked up next to you and looked at the painting. It was of him. There was cherry blossom petals falling around him, a small smile on his lips and his hair was without his usual hairpieces. A small smile slipped onto his lips, only growing when you wrapped your arms around him." Please don't leave me... I need my muse..." You whimpered. He turned in your arms so that he could hug you back." It's alright... I'm not going to leave again." He whispered, petting your head. After a few minutes you lead him to the loft inside of your art studio, sitting on the sofa you usually used to sketch. He held you close, comforting you. After a bit, he gently cupped your cheek, tilting your head toward him. He bent forward, pressing his lips to yours. It took a solid six minutes before you separated. When you did, he kept his face near yours, staring into your eyes. He watched your eyes focus on him." I won't break you heart again... I promise you this..." He whispered, beginning to kiss your lips repeatedly, pinning you to the couch. You giggle hysterically as he continues to kiss all over your face, always returning to your lips. He can be so silly when your alone...

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