Add ins: ikkaku/ yumichika

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(*cough* I ship it *cough*)

How you meet


You and your best friend had just joined the 11th division. The first people you had met were Ikkaku and Yumichika. You were instant friends to say the least.

He/she falls in love


You kicked his ass, again. He was never able to beat you! A rather attractive quality in his opinion.


You are a very lovely woman, along with being strong in mind, body, and spirit. You were just perfect in his eyes.

Start dating


He down right demanded that the two of you be together. You gave him an 'ok' and then you two went on a rather nice date.


He ask rather politely for just a date. A single chance. You gave him one of your sweet smiles along with a sweeter 'of corse'. You two had a lovely date.



It really wasn't a cuddle. You had to pin him down... He eventually fell asleep.


He was having a bad day and had chosen to hug you in search of comfort. You wound up holding him to you almost all day while he took a much needed nap.



He: he's not much of a nickname person but 'love' slips out
You: dear, it pisses him off


He: pretty girl, love, dear, (y/n)-poo (when he feels silly)
You: pretty boy, dear, darling, dork (when he calls you (y/n)-poo)

First fight


I don't know why he's angry, but he is... And now your pissed off and kicking his ass... Lovely...


He was having a bitch fit and lashed out on you. It was then that he learned how much you have fights in a relationship because you fled as quickly as you could away from him.

Makeup/first kiss


His 'apology' was a rough kiss.


He found you in your room where he apologized for freaking you out. You forgave him with a soft kiss.

How they kiss


Rough, very rough


Sweet and feathery soft.



Bondage, spanking, whipping ect
You found his porn... Awkward.


Bondage+body worship
Worship is obvious but he just told you about the bondage thing



He'd pulled something and you were quickly getting sick of his complaining. You tackled him to the ground and started to massage his shoulders before he could get all pissy. He was putty in your hands within minutes.x


He'd pulled something and it was making him mad, mainly because it got in the way of your cuddle session. You told him to lay on his stomach on the bed, which he did. He quickly began to relax as you massaged the strained muscle. He was half asleep by the time you were done but he still had the strength to pull you down with him.

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