Add in: Izuru/wabisuke

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How you meet


You were the new captain of the 3rd devision and was waiting in your new office. Your lieutenant was supposed to be there half an hour ago, but he wasn't... You gave said lieutenant a bored look when came tumbling into the room with his weapon." Thank you." You said simply to your own weapon as he took a seat on the sofa." It's nice of you to finally show up. Bad of you to have to be brought here by her." You said dully. Then you noticed his condition." Are you two hung over?" You asked, sudden worry in your voice. You walked closer to them, as did your weapon. With a gentle touch to their foreheads you cured them of their head aches." Thank you, sorry for being so late." He said shyly. You smile at him." Don't let happen again. Now, let's have some tea and get to know each other." You said calmly while moving over to the sofa. Your weapon seemed to already be buds with his.

He/she falls in love


To say you were patient with him would be an understatement. He fell in love with you around the time you played babysitter for your young niece. She was a rowdy one but you never raised your voice. It was with a calm, gentle tone that you calmed her with.


You were hot as hell and actually listened to him, why not?

Start dating


Momo had to ask for you... You still said yes so... Yay!


It was a mutual agreement...



He's a clinger.
He'll just tackle you onto the nearest surface and cling.


Like master like weapon.



He:love, dear
You: ditto


He: mine
You: dummy

First fight


No. He doesn't want to loose another captain. He will never attack, yell at, or fight with you... Ever.


" how gloomy." That's all he said. You refused to do something for him so he said that and walked away.

Makeup/first kiss


TACKLE KISS! Why? Because momo threw him at you.


Momo seems to be throwing a lot of people today...

How they kiss


Soft, quick pecks.


Extremely fierce.



Dominate him... In every-way. Spanking, whipping, tie him up, pegging,he'll do anything.
Momo told you, how she knew I don't know...


The polar opposite of his master...
He straight up told you.



He'd gotten hurt during a mission and was now laying face down on a bed in the fourth devision. You felt bad for him so you started to give him a gentle massage.


He'd asked for one, but because of the rock attached you his back you had to sit on his lap to get to his shoulders. The position allowed you to watch his face relax as you worked away the stress trapped in his muscles.

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