Add in: Ukitake Jushiro

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How you meet

You are a nurse for the fourth devision.(your a lot more special than that but that comes in later) you had been placed with a captan who apparently is constantly ill. You walked into his office to find his subordinates screaming at him. He waved at you with a sweet smile. You waved back mouthing,' bad time?', to him. He shook his head, the two screaming people not noticing your conversation. You slipped past them so you could start a general check up on him. He smiled the entire time, cooperating to the fullest. When you were done, you lead his hands to cover his ears before turning to the two, still screaming, people." Shut it!!!" You commanded, silencing them." As long as I'm around I don't want screaming within fifty feet of him UNDERSTAND?!" You growled, narrowing your eyes and crossing your arms. They nodded vigorously before fleeing the room.

He falls in love

You were tending to your flowers, humming happily. He smiled dreamily at you as sougyo no kotowari ran around with (zampakuto's name). You easily kept all three of the screaming children under control. You smiled back at him when you noticed his stare, turning back to your flowers. ' she's so wonderful... This is love...' He thought as a content sigh slipped past his lips.

Start dating

You were tending to jushiro when he slipped a necklace with a key pendant around your neck. He gave you a sweet smile as he held up his own necklace, a heart with a lock on if dangling from it." That's an adorable way to ask me out, jushiro..." You said with a giggle. He chuckled." You like cute." He said, pecking your cheek." Haha... Yes I do. In fact, I love cute, as much as I love you." You said with a huge smile, earning one from him.


He was watching you tend to your flowers again. After a while, he got lonely so he sent one of the little ones to get you. You smiled at the silver haired child, patting their head before walking over to jushiro." You are too adorable." You said with a giggle as you wrapped your arms around him, allowing him to pull you into his lap. He nuzzled his head into your neck.


He: love, nurse, cutie
You: darling, love, sweetie

First fight

He'd pushed himself to far, again. You tended to him silently, anytime you were mad you always fell silent. He knew you were angry." I know I'm not supposed to push myself like this... Don't be mad, please." He begged, gripping your wrist. You didn't say anything, not even looking at him.

Makeup/first kiss

He spent the rest of the day trying to get you to talk. He even got out of bed to fallow after you, when he should be resting. You tried to shove him back to the bed but he grabbed hold of your wrists." Please talk to me..." He whimpered, squeezing your wrists. You looked at the floor, shaking your head. He pressed a kiss to your temple, trembling." Please..." He whispered, resting against your shoulder. You pushed him over to the bed, tucking him back in. He looked up at you with a sad look." Please..." You sighed, bending down to peck his lips." Smile, it helps with recovery." You mumbled. He gave you a small smile... You were still silent for the rest of the day.

How they kiss

Always soft and sweet, unless your mad at him, then he practically tackles you.


Legs, he loves your legs. He always tries to catch you after a shower so he can touch them.


He had slept wrong, hurting his back. You were able to get him to roll over before you began to gently rub his back. The little noises told you that you were doing well. He couldn't because he fell asleep.

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