Abusive (?) tries to come back-Hueco Mundo

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When you were suddenly frightened and clinging to gen, he knew something was wrong. He held you tight as the creepy Arrancar tried to get you. His smile never faltered despite his growing anger. It was scary really. So scary that the Arrancar ran off. He was found dead later. Well, what was left of him at least.


You never even knew he showed up. Aizen took care of him as soon as he showed up.


Tousen moved faster than Wonderweiss. So, while he was dealing with that small piece of your past, wonderweiss hid in his cubby hole with you.


He had no idea you were at all connected to the Arrancar you were currently beating to a bloody pulp. In his mind, the dude had just pissed you off. Never did find out that he was your murderer....


The picture pretty much sums up what happened to them... he wasn't about to let your abuser, rapist, and murder get away...


He faced Tousen's judgement. You weren't surprised your horrid father was able to become an arrancar. Nor were you surprised that tousen recognized him. You were surprised that there was anything left of him when tousen was finished.


Hehehe, you know he dead.


Neither of you payed him any mind at the time, but Ulquiorra found himself hunting him down latter on and disposing of him.

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