Add in: Hanataro

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How you meet

You had just been added to the fourth devision. You and Hanataro were paired together and got along pretty well.

They fall in love

The two of you are very close, that leads to complete trust. It was only a matter of time before you told him about your past... About the man who betrayed you... About the family that never cared. It amazes him that you could have gone through all that and still be so kind.

Start dating

He had spent a solid hour stuttering and stumbling just trying to get your attention, let alone actually ask. It ended with you pecking his cheek, calling him cute, and walking away.


The day was chaotic to say the least and Hanataro was seconds from passing out. You and him wound up curled together on the sofa.


Neither of you really do nicknames.

First fight

No fight...

Make up/ first kiss

It happened during the momo throwing epidemic of 2016.

How they kiss

Super super soft


Dominate him!!
Surprisingly, he told you.


Another stressful day lead to Hanataro laying face down on the couch. You felt kind of bad so you walked over and started to gently massage his back. He was fast asleep a few minutes later.

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