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"Ready?" Jay asked. We sat in the car, which was parked close by the police station.

"Sure" I replied although I did not feel ready, I also knew putting it off wouldn't help.

We got out of the car and inside the station, which looked pretty much the same as any other I had been in. Once inside we went to the secretary, and told him we had an appointment.

"Mister and miss Distel, officer Taylor is ready to see you now" the secretary told us, we got up from the seats we had been waiting in and followed the secretary to an office.

We did the usual greeting before siting down opposite of officer Taylor. "Why have you not informed us of our fathers escape?" Jay asked getting straight to the point, we were not there to small talk.

"We did not wish for you two to get worried"

"And you did not figure that we might find out by watching the news? And what about the danger you put us into?" I said angrily, suddenly my fear had changed to anger

"We hoped we would not have to even go to the press, besides you two are not in more danger than anyone else" what officer Taylor said might be diplomatic, it was something that neither Jay or I could use.

"Except for the fact that we placed him in there and he said he would get revenge on us" I tried to be diplomatic, though I deifnetly did not feel that way

"You have nothing to fear, okay? We'll have him back in, in a couple of days." When he said that I stated doubting if it really was the same man we were talking about.

"Are we talking about the same person? Because the man I'm talking about is quite good at hiding and making sure he goes unnoticed by the police" it seemed Jay thought the same as I, at least we were on the same page

"Look you have nothing to fear, just let us do our job, and your father will be back in prison in no time" of some reason I did not trust that statement

"That's pretty much what you just told us, so as Jay said, ít's not going to happen that easily" I tried getting him to understand, but it still seemed we got nowhere with him.

"If you are so afraid, then I suggest you try to lay low until we have caught him. we will, of course call when he is caught" it was obvious he was tired of  us and just wanted us out now. Jay and I shared a look, and it was clear to me he thought the same. therefore, we said our goodbyes and left.

"And what did we get out of that?" Jay asked me

"Nothing" I replied. at least we could still have a little fun, though I still had a nagging feeling of fear, but that would probably not go away anytime soon.


I managed to write it so you could get it earlier than usually! Next one will also be up soon!
Btw Wattpad has changed writing back on the computer, so I can write on my computer again! Which hopefully means faster updates!
- Helene

Freed (Fireproof #1) *discontinued for now*Where stories live. Discover now