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After our talk at the police station, Jay had driven me to college. The rest of the day went will, except that I kept lookng over my shoulder, or that was until it was time for practise.

I was headed for practise when, out of no where, I got cold and started feeling numb. "Fool" "whore" - his words rang in my head, I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths, to try and calm myself down. It wasn't working. and tears started streaming down my face.

I had just started forgetting about my attacks, as it had been so long since I had last had one. I leaned against the wall and then slided down it, so I sat with my back against it. "weak" - the words continued, as I continued crying. I truly had no idea how long I had been sitting there for, but I knew it was bad, and I knew I had to calm myself down... I just couldn't.

When I heard feet coming towards me, I started shaking. when I looked up, I saw him, I knew it was just my mind, but it was so real, and when I sat there I couldn't think straight and for me, it was him. He moved closer, I wanted to run away, but I was shaking and crying so hard I couldn't.

I felt something touching my shoulder and flinched, trying to get away. "Shh... Ree, calm down. it's alright, we're here to help you" a voice said, but in the state I was in all I could think about was my father, so the voice changed into his.

"Please... please... don't hit me" I managed to stammer out, and bowed my kneck so I was looking down in my knees.

"Ree, look at me" the voice said, but I squeezed my eyes shut, I didn't want to see him. "We won't hurt you"

"You're lying" I snapped "you... you..." I trailed off, I could not say the last Word

"Ree, you have to listen, listen to my voice. Tthere is no one here who wants to harm you" the voice continued while I was starting to get dizzy ."It's alright; no harm will come to you. You're going to be just fine, just stay with me, you have to relax, no one is going to harm you, trust me" I flinched when the voice told me to trust it, it was never good when people wanted you to trust them, it always ended bad."You're going to be fine, no harm will come to you, you al..." the voice continued but I drifted off.


It's not very long, but it's important

Freed (Fireproof #1) *discontinued for now*Where stories live. Discover now