Chapter 32

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I couldn't get myself to relax.

The helicopter had lowered a ladder down and we all climbed up into it like the government people wanted us to. It was pretty big, as there was room for all 15 of us.

We flew out of the collapsed building, which was actually just one wing of an even bigger building. It was surrounded by trees and forest. Finally, I knew what the land outside of the Institute looked liked. I could only imagine what was going on in the V1's heads, seeing all this for the first time.

We flew over the forest, and I knew that the government people would take care of us and keep us safe, but I didn't feel safe. I was still edgy and tense. And I couldn't get the image of Katie's body out of my head.


I drifted off into my thoughts, only to be brought back half an hour later from Fay talking.

"Ohmygosh! I just realized something! I have actual literal water powers! I'M PERCY JACKSON! And when we go home, it'll be SOOOO awesome, because I HAVE WATER POWERS!"

We just kind of nodded and agreed with her.

"Did you guys figure out your powers, too?" asked Erica.

"I can read minds," said Lea "but-"

"Which is really cool!" Fay interrupted.

"But I don't really know Maddie or Gloria's."

"Well..." I started, but felt kind of uncomfortable talking about the fact that I burned someone. They'll think I'm a monster.

They looked at me expectantly. Why had I started saying something?! I was saved by Jess.

"I wish I had powers," she said wistfully.

"You already have powers," Rose countered. "You're a Jess."

Fay suddenly burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Erica demanded.

She gestured a Gloria, who was sitting beside her, sleeping, and laughed some more.

"You know, that's a good idea," I remarked. "I'm going to sleep too."

So I did.

A long while later, I was awoken by the lack of noise. The rotor had stopped.


Wait. We were on the ground. That must mean that we've arrived at... wherever they were taking us. As long as it's not the Institute, I'm good.

"Everybody off," the pilot ordered. We complied and waited outside the helicopter for more instructions. It's not like we know what we're supposed to do now. We're in the hands of the government.

A bunch of memories of books where the government is the bad guys came rushing to my head, but before I could really start to second-guess myself, a person I had never seen before, dressed in a black suit, walked over to us in a very businesslike manner and told us to follow him.

We didn't want to at first. We didn't trust him. I mean, GOVERNMENT PERSON. Then he said four words that completely changed our minds.

"Your parents are here."

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