Chapter 10

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Another bomb burst out and Swayam jerked from his bed. Even after putting on his headphones with music bursting at full volume the noise still boomed in his ears. It was past midnight and Swayam couldn't sleep at his cousin's place. Why you may ask? Simple. His younger cousin's wanted to burst firecrackers because diwali was around the corner. Swayam liked fireworks; they were fun to watch with all the colours and lights coming out of them. They would lighten the place like a candle but with a bit of flair and for quite some time. They were something that always fascinated him. But there was one thing he couldn't figure out, even after years of wondering was 'why the need to burst bomb?' They weren't spectacular to watch and made an awful lot of noise. Do people like the sudden shock the body feels when they burst out or the deafening sound it makes? So, he was trapped in his room trying to think ways of reducing the noise and hopefully sleep. Travelling was fun but it was always tiring at the end, especially when you have two energetic five year olds with you in the car. Swayam sighed and removed the headphones from his ears because they weren't helping and was possibly causing a headache. He got up and went down to the kitchen feeling his stomach demanding for food. After raiding the kitchen he returned back and thought of ways to pass the time. As he ate Sharon's name crossed his mind. He smiled when her face came in front of him. The day was so hectic that he hadn't had the time to contact her or well even think about her. Suddenly he had the urge to hear her voice. He looked at the time and frowned. It was almost 2 in the morning and she would most definitely be sleeping but there was a very small chance she was still awake typing on her laptop. It wouldn't kill to call her right? With that thought in mind he hit the call button.

Sharon stirred in her bed trying to snuggle into her pillow and go back to sleep but the mobile phone kept on ringing. She made a disapproving noise and sat up. She cursed the mobile and thought of how peaceful the world would be with the rectangular object. Everyone was obsessed with it and one of its signs was that every time she walked on the road someone or the other would be into it without any sense of the surrounding. They were basically an accident waiting to happen. She shoved those ideas aside to check her phone which after a series of rings had stopped buzzing. She was tempted to just go back to sleep but all of her sleep was now gone and she was wide awake and also she wanted to know who in the whole world would wake her up at such a time. When she looked at the name she wasn't shocked but what shocked her were the emotions that she went through after seeing them. She felt angry first and then elation followed by fear and then irritation. When she thought about how Swayam had caused a stir of emotions by just calling at the middle of the night she was baffled. Honestly, she never felt like that. When she used to hear people saying that they went through a range of emotions only by listening to the name of the person they loved, she never quite believed it. She wanted to but somewhere in her mind it never made sense. She always thought humans to be logical first even if they were emotional most of the times and more so herself. Throughout her entire life she was always had her emotions clear but Swayam had just randomly mixed all of the emotions and made her fuzzy inside, like it always happens in novels between people who love each other. In that moment Sharon's eyes grew larger. In all of the thought process did she just admit she was in love with Swayam Shekhawat? Yes, she did and with that her heart starting beating faster.

Swayam just stared at his screen wishing for her call to return and then he smacked his face with his hand. Of course she was asleep! What sane man would stay up till 2 when they had work at 7 in the morning? He sighed in disappointed and winced at the noise of more firecrackers going off. As he stared ahead at the wall planning his next move to shove away boredom, he felt his phone vibrate in his hands. When he saw her face on the screen he quickly swiped it and placed it on his ear.

"Hell.." He began before he was cut by Sharon yelling at the other end.

"Do you know what is the damn time? You just disturbed my peaceful sleep and a very good dream so you better have a bloody good reason for calling me." She said.

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