#3 THE NAMING - Elders Council

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Nagar sought out the pregnant Wilki who was equally anxious to get to know Nagar. Communication was difficult at first but both women were motivated to understand each other before Wilki's labor began which would be soon. Saba supported Nagar and Wilki however she could. The three women eagerly planned for the birth of the baby.

Nagar told Wilki, "I want you to eat a little of the antelope meat each day as long as the smoked pieces last. It will help make you strong. Let us hope we can kill more. I'll do everything I can to help you when the baby starts to come and in the days after."

Wilki said, "Will the baby be all right? Will I have a lot of pain?"

"You are a strong young woman but the long walk was hard on you. Zura has tea that will help you and the baby inside you to sleep better in the days ahead. I think the baby will come soon. I can feel that it is moving into position with its head pointing to the ground. This is good."

Wilki was grateful to be in the hands of these two women. Nagar had seen many babies into the world. Wilki was a little intimidated by her and also worried about Nagar's health. But with Saba also there, who was such a kind and caring woman, Wilki felt she had made the right choice taking the long walk. Still, she was determined to go back to her old bode after the baby came.

Nagar said, "Why don't you think about staying with us? We all will be safer if there are more of us. We have good shelter and water here, and some of the animals are returning."

"Yes, but it's better to go back to my own bode," Wilki murmured.

Nagar was puzzled by Wilki's reluctance to stay as she seemed eager to learn the ways of Flat Rocks and enjoyed spending time with Saba and, recently, Esri.

One day Esri asked Nagar if she could speak with her alone, "Zura told me to come talk to you. Wilki is afraid of Piram. That's why she wants to go back after the baby comes. Piram told her that because he found her, she had to be with him as his mate and she doesn't want to be with him. She doesn't want to create trouble and thinks it best to return to her bode. Others would go with her."

"Does Barsa know?" Nagar asked.

"He knows that some want to go back but thinks it has more to do with Nat and that they are missing their bode. Wilki has not talked to Barsa about Piram. She cares for Barsa and is afraid he would fight Piram and get hurt or even killed."

"Too often Piram acts in ways that only serve him and no one else. He was not always kind to my sister," Nagar said.

"Did he hurt your sister? And what about Riga? Her daughter?"

"My sister and Riga were with Saba and me much of the time. Piram knew that Tars and I were watching him so he was careful not to go too far, but I worried and wondered how he might be if we weren't around. Before the Ash Rain and so many died, there were more who were like Piram. They used their strength to make others afraid and sometimes forced them to do things they didn't want to do."

"Did anyone try to stop them from doing bad things?" asked Esri.

"The Elders would try. We would speak with the person and tell them to stop hurting others. Some we sent away from the bode for a while, and sometimes we never saw them again."

Esri nodded, "It was like that in our bode. Zura was an Elder like you who tried to stop those who hurt others. What happened at Flat Rocks if an Elder did something bad?"

"Sometimes nothing happened." Nagar sighed, "I would speak about it, but nothing happened."

Esri spoke vehemently, "That is something we can change. Wilki should not be forced to be with Piram if she doesn't want to be with him."

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